An Amazing Thought…

Tony Blankely can be nearly as cutting as Ann Coulter…

“Perhaps the strangest thing about this election campaign is that despite all the vulgarities, lies and probably criminal vote stealing going on, the Clintons are largely out of the picture. ..”



An Amazing Thought…

Tony Blankely can be nearly as cutting as Ann Coulter…

“Perhaps the strangest thing about this election campaign is that despite all the vulgarities, lies and probably criminal vote stealing going on, the Clintons are largely out of the picture. ..”



TeRAYzah Heinz-sKerry says “Teaching isn’t real work”

Oh, go ahead, let all your friends and aquaintances who are teachers know TeRAYzah thinks they don’t work for a living. Really. Seriously. Here’s the question to THK by USAToday and her response:

Q: You’d be different from Laura Bush?

A: Well, you know, I don’t know Laura Bush. But she seems to be calm, and she has a sparkle in her eye, which is good. But I don’t know that she’s ever had a real job — I mean, since she’s been grown up. So her experience and her validation comes from important things, but different things. And I’m older, and my validation of what I do and what I believe and my experience is a little bit bigger — because I’m older, and I’ve had different experiences. And it’s not a criticism of her. It’s just, you know, what life is about.

OK, I added the emphasis because of this little tidbit listed in Laura Bush’s bio:

Career and Public Service
Public school teacher and librarian in the Houston, Dallas and Austin school systems; First Lady of Texas; First Lady of the United States.

So, if Laura Bush’s experience teaching and as a school librarian doesn’t count as a “real job” then neither does the work experience of any other teacher you know… at least as far as Mrs. sKerry is concerned.

Let ’em know.

TeRAYzah Heinz-sKerry says “Teaching isn’t real work”

Oh, go ahead, let all your friends and aquaintances who are teachers know TeRAYzah thinks they don’t work for a living. Really. Seriously. Here’s the question to THK by USAToday and her response:

Q: You’d be different from Laura Bush?

A: Well, you know, I don’t know Laura Bush. But she seems to be calm, and she has a sparkle in her eye, which is good. But I don’t know that she’s ever had a real job — I mean, since she’s been grown up. So her experience and her validation comes from important things, but different things. And I’m older, and my validation of what I do and what I believe and my experience is a little bit bigger — because I’m older, and I’ve had different experiences. And it’s not a criticism of her. It’s just, you know, what life is about.

OK, I added the emphasis because of this little tidbit listed in Laura Bush’s bio:

Career and Public Service
Public school teacher and librarian in the Houston, Dallas and Austin school systems; First Lady of Texas; First Lady of the United States.

So, if Laura Bush’s experience teaching and as a school librarian doesn’t count as a “real job” then neither does the work experience of any other teacher you know… at least as far as Mrs. sKerry is concerned.

Let ’em know.

Pinnipedia for Bush

Here’s a piece of a longer comment by SEAL Reservist, Matthew Heidt:

“SEALs that I have talked to love the President and Donald Rumsfeld as well. The CINC matters to the military more than you could imagine, and this is a personal matter for me. I served under Bill Clinton, and at the time everybody in the Teams knew that we were never going to be unchained to conduct Direct Action against America’ foes. I was constantly on the road traveling around the country and around the world on training evolutions. It was so frustrating to know that you were going to be away from your family to practice for a game that the coach would never let you play in. Many experienced operators left the Teams with me at the end of the 90s for the same reason. It wasn’t like we didn’t see threats or targets out there, but after Somalia, we knew Clinton didn’t have the sack to pull the trigger. So did UBL as it turned out.”

The guys out there on the ground know the score.

Pinnipedia for Bush

Here’s a piece of a longer comment by SEAL Reservist, Matthew Heidt:

“SEALs that I have talked to love the President and Donald Rumsfeld as well. The CINC matters to the military more than you could imagine, and this is a personal matter for me. I served under Bill Clinton, and at the time everybody in the Teams knew that we were never going to be unchained to conduct Direct Action against America’ foes. I was constantly on the road traveling around the country and around the world on training evolutions. It was so frustrating to know that you were going to be away from your family to practice for a game that the coach would never let you play in. Many experienced operators left the Teams with me at the end of the 90s for the same reason. It wasn’t like we didn’t see threats or targets out there, but after Somalia, we knew Clinton didn’t have the sack to pull the trigger. So did UBL as it turned out.”

The guys out there on the ground know the score.