“Waiting for Godot”

Here’s a pic of some sKerry supporters “Waiting for Godot”

Note: “Waiting for Godot” is Samuel Beckett’s existential “theater of the absurd” play (that is, no drama, chronological plot, etc.) . In the play, the main characters mostly just sit around waiting for something—anything! Godot!!— to relieve their boredom.

Can’t you just sense the electricity in the air “Waiting for sKerry”?

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“Waiting for Godot”

Here’s a pic of some sKerry supporters “Waiting for Godot”

Note: “Waiting for Godot” is Samuel Beckett’s existential “theater of the absurd” play (that is, no drama, chronological plot, etc.) . In the play, the main characters mostly just sit around waiting for something—anything! Godot!!— to relieve their boredom.

Can’t you just sense the electricity in the air “Waiting for sKerry”?

Posted by Hello