Bad Ballots in Ohio

Look at this “butterfly” ballot from Ohio. Kerry? Punch out #6. The arrow ar the Kedwards line points directly to number 6. However, if you want to vote for the Bush/Cheney ticket, the ballot’s a little misleading. The correct number to punch is 4, but the arrow points directly to number 14…

A little fishy? The latest polls show Ohio moving steadily for Bush (latest Zogby shows nearly a five-point Bush lead). If there’s a large disparity between exit polls and actual ballots in Ohio, this ballot might be the place to start looking for the culprit. (H.T. to Powerline for the ballot pic. See the post and a larger image there.) Of course, as Powerline points out, there are a number of ways the ballot can be misaligned to cause problems, and it’s probably just another case of stupidity rather than some weird vote fraud conspiracy. Still… Posted by Hello

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