Ask Not…

…on whom the greedy socialistas prey; They prey on thee.

Elizabeth Warren suggests–nay! blatantly proclaims!–that the greedy capitalists OWE the proceeds of their labor and risk to society (as if, as a “class” [group] they do not already pay a larger share of taxes, both in gross amount and in percentage of income, than other classes).

Readers of Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor blog (and Pournelle himself) point out a few obvious flaws in Warren’s pronouncements on so-called “fairness”.

UPDATE: Although many other sites go into great detail demolishing the sugar-coated toxic proclamations Elizabeth Warren
is making, Roxeanne, over at Datechguy’s Blog has a very readable version of the major arguments. Good reading. A sample? Sure:

According to Elizabeth Warren, the moment you first flip a switch in that factory and start producing a good, you are an evil rich person who needs to “give back”, because building that factory just sort of happened, without effort, intellect, financial risk, or the employment of others. Had this chickie even run a lemonade stand, she would understand the fallacy in her thinking.

Glenn Reynolds suggests Elizabeth Warren do some remedial reading (below the fold)

I would suggest we start by confiscating all of Warren’s assets to go toward achieving the social ends she seeks. I mean, it’s not as if she’s ever done anything substantive to “give back” to society. Lawyer? Law professor? We have too many of those already.

And another UPDATE, this from Jerry Pournelle on 09/28/11:

As to Ms. Warren’s viral speech about how others paid for the roads and the schools and the police force, I would have thought those are mostly paid by local property taxes, and if the factory owner has got away with not paying those he’s pretty clever. I would have thought that factory owners paid a lot of property taxes. How much of that is fair is, I would presume, a matter for local communities. Raise them too much and the factory moves elsewhere, as Massachusetts has long ago discovered. Of course the remedy for that, according to liberals, is to eliminate competition – make the taxes national so they can’t be escaped. Oddly enough that was all debated as part of the Convention of 1787, but you’d never guess that from listening to this Harvard Professor, who doesn’t seem to have read The Federalist Papers or Tocqueville. But then that’s not too surprising.

Indeed. (BTW, you’re up pretty late, Jerry, “Get some rest. If you haven’t got your health, then you haven’t got anything.” ;-))

And do not neglect Ms. Warren’s remedial reading, below.
Continue reading “Ask Not…”

Dumping Time?

For some years I’ve been a member of a discussion group that has seriously deteriorated over time. Examples abound, but here’s a question from a guy–one of his most literate examples–that illustrates my growing frustration with the discussion group (slightly redacted to make it at least understandable out of context):

“[Do you] believe in the history as taught in school or revisionist history?”

First, what history? The author uses the definite article with the construction, “the history” but does not designate the history of place or period. Absent such designation, it should read, still goofily, “believe in history as taught…”

Next, what school? Where? What level of schooling? I could go on with that point, but perhaps you get my drift, eh?

And “revisionist history” as the “or” option in an “either/or” proposition? WHAT revisionist history? Many, many many revisions of history occur throughout the course of examining events of the past. Some represent particular points of view. Which “revisionist history” does the author refer to? Revision of what exactly?

The question itself reveals a particular POV–that of an historical/literary illiterate pretending to knowledge he does not have.


And such interlocutors are coming to dominate the discussions. Between them and the folks who know quite well how to use Google and how to cut and paste and use such “skilz” as a substitute for knowledge and reasoning to make dishonest arguments of misdirection, hand-waving, burning of straw men, etc., I begin to think it’s time to move on and leave the space to Ortega’s Mass Man.



Amazing. Most politicians will score at least 3 out of 9, but our current p-resident of the White Café Au Lait House scores a perfect 9 of 9, as far as I can tell from what is on the record of his past and present behaviors.

1) has a grandiose sense of self- importance ( exaggerates achievements, and talents, expects to be recognized as superior )

2) is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love)

3) believes he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions

4) requires excessive admiration

5) has a sense of entitlement, i.e, unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his/her expectations

6) is interpersonally exploitive, ie, takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

7) lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings of others

8 ) is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

9) shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.

5 of 9 comprise a definitive diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (DSM-IV, 301.81). Treatment, while primarily via hospitalization with medical personnel who essentially humor the grandiose delusions of these people is essentially just long term “talk therapy” in one-on-one and group babble as the only real treatment options offered.

Personally, I think these sorts of people should just be drugged and warehoused for the protection of society.

Tech Lust Drool

Update: While I’m not exactly holding my breath in anticipation of the presser this A.M. (just 5 or so hours away at this time), I do eagerly anticipate getting some hard news on this device. Of course I’ll at least wait until the first revision hits sales (by some reports already semi-halfway scheduled for Q1 2012), V.1 of almost any new hardware is a silly purchase, IMO. And again, maybe this is not the tablet I have (not) been looking for… *heh*

Amazon has been holding its cards pretty close to its vest, as these things go, but Amazon isn’t exactly Secret Squirrel, now it it?

This could be just the thing to get me to change some priorities (including sadly consigning my lust for the Notion Ink Adam’s transflective screen to the back burner *sigh*).

The Kindle Tablet will sell for $250, much cheaper than competing tablets. It will come with an Amazon Prime membership which provides free shipping on some Amazon purchases, a $79 value. Amazon will likely tie other purchase incentives to the Tablet, and will likely integrate Amazon’s Kindle library book service.

*feh* That’s just $60 more than the 3G Kindle. Of course, the Kindle Tablet is Wi-Fi only making a comparison to the $140 Kindle more proper, but still… It also has no eInk capabilities, but still…

*heh* The feature list and description here does make the ole tech lust saliva run.

Ah Yes, Monday…

Different things to different people; different strokes and all that.

And apologies for the citation of Bangles boring tooth decay cotton candy crap:

At least it’s not Vevo’s “Hey Monday” or the even worse Death Cab for Cutie’s “Monday Morning” or the stab-myself-in-the ear-with-an-ice-pick “Blue Monday” by New Order.

Use The Appropriate Word, Please

A reader at Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor makes an appropriate observation. Concerning baboons,

They are the loudest, most dangerous, most obnoxious, most viciously aggressive, and least intelligent of all primates.

What is the proper collective noun for a group of baboons?

Believe it or not, a Congress!

So, our own tribe of baboons in D.C. are known by the appropriate collective noun after all.

Micro-Mini-Life Hack

A case of “Two Very Minor Irritants Solve Each Other”.


“The Voices In My Head Make Me Do the Strangest Things, Sometimes”.

Irritant #1

I use a nice lil lapdesk with my lil Asus notebook. Moreover, I normally use a nice Logitech M305 wireless mouse with the notebook, and the laptop desk surface makes a nice, smooth, slick surface for mousing. Great little mouse. It’s not as comfy in my hand as the mouse that comes in the Logitech MK320 bundle, but it does have a “nano-receiver” that makes it a good fit for notebook use (dongles hanging off notebook ports=BAD :-)).

But, moving the laptop desk from laptop to coffee table or to the couch beside me, with the notebook and mouse still on it, frequently led to the mouse sliding off that slick surface. Sure, take the mouse off and put it elsewhere. BTDT, don’t like having the notebook/mouse in separate places. Be really careful when taking the laptop desk off my lap and placing it elsewhere (or picking it up, etc.). Right. Not me.

So, pick mouse up off floor every now and then, whatever. *grumble-grumble-gripe-complain*

Irritant #2

Picked up a cheap notebook bag–$7 cheap–for carrying other things (techie tools, etc.). I already have a nice bag for the Asus and another–a Targus hand-me-down from someone who “diminuted” her computer use to a netbook/smart phone combo–for my primary techie tools (now two bags to carry what used to fit in a padded aluminum case. Oh, well), but this seemed a nice enough way to carry most of the rest.

Except for the really tacky “designer’s” logo patch sewn onto the large outer flap. Made of some of that silicone-rubber-plastic stuff that is kind of “grippy”.


Removed patch from cheapo bag.

Applied contact cement to ugly, tacky “designer” logo and

Glued face down on upper right-hand corner of laptop desk.

Now, I can place the mouse on this small, 2″ patch of silicone-plastic-rubber whatchamacallit and the weight of the mouse and the “takiness” *heh* of the patch material holds the mouse in place at up to 30-degree tilts.

Using one irritation to solve another: life-hacking.

Contemporary “Music”

Since The Guinness Book of World Records just made up a couple of new “world records” for Taylor Swift, I thought I’d once again comment on the state of popular so-called music:

By and large, it’s crap.

Swift has set records in, urm, record sales, etc. with sort of rhythmic, off key renditions of crap like this:

Well, it was kind of cold that night
She stood alone on her balcony
She could see the cars roll by
Out on 441
Like waves crashing on the beach

And for one desperate moment there
He crept back in her memory
God, it’s so painful
It’s something that’s so close but still so far out of reach

Oh yeah, all right
Take it easy baby
Make it last all night
She was an American girl

Oh, please. High school glurge in grade school vocabulary. Simply crappy in every way. And I refuse to post a clip of the nearly atonal crap its rendered in. And that’s the GOOD stuff from Swift, a cover of a Tom Petty piece of crap! *sheesh!* I absolutely refuse to post “lyrics” supposedly “written” (in crayon, perhaps?) by Swift herself. Lobotomizing my reader(s) isn’t a Good Thing, IMO.

Why am I picking on Taylor Swift? As I said, because of her new records demonstrating that it is she who is now the standard bearer of manufactured pop “music”–the best reflection of where the money from brain dead listeners is going. But she’s only a typical example. Most of the crap being excreted from the mouths of performers nowadays is eagerly lapped up by coprophagic morons.

OTOH–and this just occurred to me–perhaps Swift is a brilliant satirist of “kiddie music” and is making atonal existential metacommentary. Is this possible? In a word, no.

I Have No Problem With Snake Oil

…as long as it’s packaged, promoted and sold as snake oil and is actually oil squeezed from real snakes. But the idea that “stimulus” money taken FROM the economy and then passed through the “feddle gummint” money laundering system and passed out to *wink-win-nudge-nudge* “create new jobs” would in any way, shape fashion or form actually BE a stimulus to the economy is a lie that has been openly displayed as such time and time and time again.

For that, those who spout this shit (yes, I mean that what is coming out of their mouths is verbal fecal matter–toxic verbal fecal matter at that) would, in a sane society, be tarred, feathered and set afire to light the way to a brighter tomorrow.

Sadly, the Eighth Amendment outlaws “cruel and unusual punishments” even for the political filth that spread such toxic sewage on the public.


Couldn’t we have another amendment carving out an exception for this filth?