A Few of My Favorite Things…

Nicole pointed to this, and I thought to myself, “Self, why not?” So here:

#1– Favorite candy: Chocolate. Almost any old chocolate. Preferable chocolate-covered coffee beans, though.

#2– Favorite movie: Bean. Any of the Mr. Bean movies, really. Fewer problems with suspension of disbelief than with most Hollyweird crap.

#3– Favorite drink: a wheat beer I brew every now and then. If not that, then coffee, which, though second on my fav list, is essential to life.

#4– Favorite dessert: blueberries or blueberry ice cream. but plain blueberries, preferably frozen, are just fine by themselves.

#5– Favorite city: KCMO. Lotsa reasons.

#6– Favorite pastime: Reading. Heck, I can even do my fav passtime while doing my second-fav, listening to music, or combine them by reading (and playing/singing–if even just in my head) music. *heh*

#7– Favorite clothing: Jeans and a cotton henley, short or long sleeve, depending on weather. Yeh, I wear shoes, too. Whadda you think I am? *sheesh*

#8– Favorite animal: Horse. (My second gig in “hi skool” was exercising, feeding horses, cleaning up after ’em, etc. Even the worst-tempered ones were better “people” than 90% of humans, especially those who are less appealing than the south end of a north-bound horse who inhabit Washington D.C. and all it spawns.) Can’t have horses, though. Love dogs. Like cats. Rabbits are both cuddly and yummy. Fried, preferably. I probably ought to move them up on my list…

#9– Favorite flower: dandelion. Beautiful and edible–all the parts of the plant, except for the seeds (and they make a decent “down” substitute). What’s not to like?

#10 Favorite music: classical– mostly Classic and Romantic periods. Some 20th Cenury and Baroque. A little even older stuff. I could move on down the list, cos there are a lot more styles I love listening to/playing/singing, but tops: Beethoven. I can–and have–spent days listening to nothing but his stuff. (OK, I’ve done the same with Sibelius, Mahler and Brahms, but Beethoven tops the list).

Expiration Dates *heh*

Yeh, I really ought to check ’em. Bought some cream, but before I could use it, it’d soured.

Oh, well. Made butter. Yum. Better than lemonade from lemons.