
To those nasty coffee naysayers who are, one piece of research at a time, being revealed as the anti-coffee bigots they truly are.

Coffee Cuts Depression Risk In Women, New Study Shows

I’ve noted a few of the health benefits of coffee before, but this one, even though the study cited by the Puffingtom Host trendily limits itself to benefits for women, isn’t news to any longtime imbiber of The Holy Brew. Speaking of that wondrous bean brew, the fourth (cited) verse of the hymn just linked pronounces:

“And so today you bless us still
According to our dear Lord’s will.
O Caffeine Tree our gratitude
Is great, for you do lift our mood.”


Life Goes On

Son&Heir has a pair of finches that now reside in our family room, since their constant twittering became too much to endure during his switch to a night shift job. Last week, I noticed that the girl had somehow managed to stick her leg in a crack between the door and the frame of the cage and gotten caught. The leg was severely mangled and hanging on by a thread because of her frantic struggles to get free. No saving it.

She’s learned to manage quite well on one leg in the week since and her annoying twittering continues unabated.

Life goes on.