Inside Browsing

If I had said “Inside Baseball” non baseball fans might not have–might have, but maybe not–gotten it.

Lil thing that just adds to my appreciation of the browser I use most, Opera: the recent DigiNotar flap. Within a few days, Chrome and Internet Exploder had removed DigiNotar certificate authorization with a push patch. Some complained that Opera had not yet done so. Ignorant boobs.

Referring to the issue in answer to these ignorant critics, Opera Software noted,

“…Opera does not require a fix for this issue. Opera always verifies that certificates are not revoked, and unlike other browsers Opera does not display sites as secure if access to revocation servers has been blocked by an attacker.”

That’s right. Google Mozilla and Microsoft had to push notification to their browsers. [N.B. I had that wrong earlier; Google imitates what Opera’s done for years with certificates.] Opera Browser users were automatically protected by Opera’s normal mode of operation. I checked, and even those Opera installs I have which haven’t had the September 1, 2011 10.51 update yet have removed DigiNotar, just as a matter of normal operation.

Just one more lil elegant way Opera deals with things that other browsers kludge through.