If You’re a Windows Geek…

…(“geek” for Windows values of geekiness *heh*) this might interest you: Windows8 Developer Preview available for download.

I’ve not had a look at the different builds yet, but I may install a couple of VMs and see what they look like. Chris Pirillo says,

“Windows 8 may be the first version of Windows that would compel a hardcore Mac user to either switch hit or switch outright.”

That might mean that it will be a tad off-putting to me… *heh*

OK, it will install in a VirtualBox VM. I’ll see what I think as things go on, but for now, here’s some M$ propaganda:

Fortunately, the default interface, designed for tablets and other touch devices, can be ditched.

They Just Won’t Give Up

Reuters, full time publicity flacks for leftwing wackos, just won’t slack in its due diligence to the Hivemind’s narrative:

Yep. To the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, Algore was once President. He had to be. After all, didn’t the Hivemind vote en masse for him?