I Have No Problem With Snake Oil

…as long as it’s packaged, promoted and sold as snake oil and is actually oil squeezed from real snakes. But the idea that “stimulus” money taken FROM the economy and then passed through the “feddle gummint” money laundering system and passed out to *wink-win-nudge-nudge* “create new jobs” would in any way, shape fashion or form actually BE a stimulus to the economy is a lie that has been openly displayed as such time and time and time again.

For that, those who spout this shit (yes, I mean that what is coming out of their mouths is verbal fecal matter–toxic verbal fecal matter at that) would, in a sane society, be tarred, feathered and set afire to light the way to a brighter tomorrow.

Sadly, the Eighth Amendment outlaws “cruel and unusual punishments” even for the political filth that spread such toxic sewage on the public.


Couldn’t we have another amendment carving out an exception for this filth?

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