Again With the Win8 “Developer Preview” Thingy

[UPDATE:be sure to check out a mini-micro-factoid mentioned at the end of this post in a note ;-)]

So, I decided a VM wouldn’t offer a fair look at the thing and took a spare, relatively small as these things go nowadays, drive and popped the developer preview onto a 64-bit machine with 4GB of RAM–a fair MOR machine.

I’ll tell you up front that I was right: I hate the “You’re too stupid to use a computer” interface on the “Start Page”. Already, recent versions of Windows have dumbed the interface down to the point that it’s a pain to dig into customizing things. Not as bad as Apple makes it with its desktop/notebook OS, but close. THIS interface says, “You are an idiot. Don’t even THINK about doing anything but what we want you to do with your computer,” just like OS X, et al. Continue reading “Again With the Win8 “Developer Preview” Thingy”

Spinning the Loss

The most honest, open, blatant spin of the Dhimmicraps’ loss of NY-9 for the first time in 88 years so far has been Jon Stewart’s asinine assignment of blame to Ed Koch robocalls for the Repugnican’t candidate and Weiner’s, urm, wiener.

Right. Although both Bubba Clintoon and Andy (where’s Amos?) Cuomo made robocalls for Davy Weprin andthe New York Slimes was effusive in its endorsement, the Roman Catholic, pro-life candidate running in a majority Jewish liberal (~75% Dhimmicrappic) district pasted the Dhimmicrappic candidate… by running against Obama. Yep. That was just about the sum total of Bob Turner’s platform: running against The Zero.

But yeh, Stewart (apparently the “news” source for a majority of 20-somethings, from indications “on the street” as it were) and others are all trying to spin the thing to provide cover for The Zero. And it will work… to convince idiots.