A Few of My Favorite Things…

Nicole pointed to this, and I thought to myself, “Self, why not?” So here:

#1– Favorite candy: Chocolate. Almost any old chocolate. Preferable chocolate-covered coffee beans, though.

#2– Favorite movie: Bean. Any of the Mr. Bean movies, really. Fewer problems with suspension of disbelief than with most Hollyweird crap.

#3– Favorite drink: a wheat beer I brew every now and then. If not that, then coffee, which, though second on my fav list, is essential to life.

#4– Favorite dessert: blueberries or blueberry ice cream. but plain blueberries, preferably frozen, are just fine by themselves.

#5– Favorite city: KCMO. Lotsa reasons.

#6– Favorite pastime: Reading. Heck, I can even do my fav passtime while doing my second-fav, listening to music, or combine them by reading (and playing/singing–if even just in my head) music. *heh*

#7– Favorite clothing: Jeans and a cotton henley, short or long sleeve, depending on weather. Yeh, I wear shoes, too. Whadda you think I am? *sheesh*

#8– Favorite animal: Horse. (My second gig in “hi skool” was exercising, feeding horses, cleaning up after ’em, etc. Even the worst-tempered ones were better “people” than 90% of humans, especially those who are less appealing than the south end of a north-bound horse who inhabit Washington D.C. and all it spawns.) Can’t have horses, though. Love dogs. Like cats. Rabbits are both cuddly and yummy. Fried, preferably. I probably ought to move them up on my list…

#9– Favorite flower: dandelion. Beautiful and edible–all the parts of the plant, except for the seeds (and they make a decent “down” substitute). What’s not to like?

#10 Favorite music: classical– mostly Classic and Romantic periods. Some 20th Cenury and Baroque. A little even older stuff. I could move on down the list, cos there are a lot more styles I love listening to/playing/singing, but tops: Beethoven. I can–and have–spent days listening to nothing but his stuff. (OK, I’ve done the same with Sibelius, Mahler and Brahms, but Beethoven tops the list).

5 Replies to “A Few of My Favorite Things…”

  1. Shoes are overrated. 🙂 Unless yer outside where the pokey things are.

    And I am heartened to notice that my circle of blogoquaintences has excellent taste in candy. 🙂

    1. *heh* Frankly, chocolate-covered coffee beans, while wonderful, are almost as good w/o the chocolate… 😉

      Shoes? I NEED. Especially these:


      For my knees, especially the right one. Seriously.

  2. Yay!! Thanks for playing 😀

    I do like chocolate-covered coffee beans, but can only have maybe two or three at one sitting. Otherwise I tend to have a reaction to them. Don’t know why.

    And you haven’t lived until you have rabbit en fricassee 😉

    1. I dunno, Aggie. Rabbit stew sounds OK, but it’s not the season for “yard seasonings” (I generally get a lot of wild onions and garlic out of my yard every spring), and that may have colored my taste. That and memories of Mother’s fried rabbit. Yum. I’ve never gotten it quite as good as my memory of her cooking, but maybe that’s also just a “golden memory”. 😉

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