All You Really Need to Do Is Just Pay Attention

Seriously. Recall The Zero’s blather last week wandering around in search of a justification for his Libyan adventure? The key comment was buried in the toxic fecal matter that issued from his pie hole:

“I believe that this movement of change cannot be turned back, and that we must stand alongside those who believe in the same core principles that have guided us.”

In order to discern what those “core principles” he refers to are, we need to ask a few questions:

WHO is The Zero saying that “we” share these “core principles” with?

Answer: Islamic savages on one side of a conflict to decide which set of Islamic savages will be in power in Libya.

WHAT are the “core principles guiding the Islamic savages on both sides of the conflict?

Well, let’s see: both sides profess to revere as the perfect man to emulate in all manner of life a man whose life and teachings demonstrate (and teach as proper) the rape and brutalization of women, mass murder, that it is right and proper to steal anything not nailed down (as long as it is the property of “unbelievers”), applaud pedophiles, and believe the “kafir” (which means anyone who’s not an Islamic savage, including almost all those idiots who voted for The Zero) is good only for butcher sport and plunder, etc.

WHO is this “we” The Zero refers to?

Surely not you and I? Do you and I share the “core principles” that guide Muslims? Do you revere a “prophet” whose life and teachings DEMAND that his followers commit mass murder, rape, pillage, abuse of women, slavery, and such like? Well, I can’t be absolutely sure about you, but I’m not a part of any “we” that shares those values. Obviously the “we” The Zero refers to does share those “core principles” with the group of Islamic savages The Zero has aligned himself with, so that “we” must be Muslims.

Then again, since Mohamed also taught–both in word and deed*–that lying to “unbelievers” to advance his cause is not only permissible but required if force alone cannot advance the aims of Islam, then he could also just be blowing smoke up our skirts by asserting the “we” part of the statement. He could be standing alone in his siding with one group of Islamic savages against another group of Islamic savages.

Or he could be using a “royal ‘we'”.

Or maybe he had a mouse in his pocket.

*Remember: The Butcher of Medina earned that sobriquet via his first “great victory”–the massacre of the Jews of what is now Medina after he had drawn them out, unarmed, under a flag of truce. Then, of course, he rewarded his band of thugs by sharing the rape of the women and the plunder with them.

Sweet guy.

h.t. to TF for reminding me of The Zero’s lil slip up.

Dredged From the Archives: The Crux of the Matter

What matter is that? The essential difference between decent human beings and those who deem themselves our political, social and intellectual betters among the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, politicians *spit* as a general class, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and Loony Left Moonbats.

I know of no one who has not done stupid things or behaved dishonestly at some point or another in their lives. And I specifically include myself in that assessment. Only a pathological liar could live past the age of two and say that they’ve never done something stupid or dishonest with a straight face.

That said, what’s the difference between a common, ordinary decent person and the typical Mass Media Podperson, politician *spit*, Academia Nut Fruitcake or Loony Left Moonbat?

It’s this: an ordinarily decent person experiences genuine guilt when they catch themselves lying or deceiving others and will repent and attempt to remediate their lie. An ordinarily decent person who does something stupid will make every effort to make whole anyone harmed by their stupidity and seek for ways to do better next time.

Just keep that in mind, would you?

More “Global Warming”

Yeh, yeh, I know the fallacy of arguing weather conditions to counter blather from The Cult of Anthropogenic Global Climate Scare-ism, but since the cult regularly fakes “data” and turns a blind eye to the elephants in the room (we don’t even know what the solar constant is anymore, not that we ever really did, and only Ian Pilmer, once a well-respected geologist who is now vilified by the CAGCS for raising inconvenient facts, seems to be seriously addressing the role of volcanism in climate), I feel in no mood to play fair with The Cult of Anthropogenic Global Climate Scare-ism. So there.

So, on the first week and a bit of “Spring” here in America’s Third World County, we’ve had freezing temps overnight, every night, and temps only today began climbing into the plus 50 degrees Fahrenheit range.

Gotta be that Global Warming, eh, since these temps are unusually cool for early Spring around here.


Do note that some CAGCS cultist loonies are actually asserting anthropogenic causes for increased volcanic activity. Roll that one around for a while, would you? Your CO2 “contamination” of the atmosphere is, according to these “maroons” (to use Bugs Bunny’s label), causing volcanic eruptions!

Oh, they have long, convoluted, irrational “explanations” for their assertions, but it all boils down to an assertion of mankind’s power over geologic formations to such a degree as to make the mythic Greek gods envious.


I dread to ask what more these cultists can do to discredit their religion.