“Free speech? F*** that!”

(Post title is my reasonable translation of the response made by a whiny LGBT dumbass “professor” at the University of Iowa to a “Coming Out” email sent out by a Republican student group.)


So a college student group sent out an approved (by the university) mass email to school email addresses advertising “Conservative Coming Out Week”. And what happened?

Ellen Lewin, a professor of Anthropology and Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies in the Department of Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies, responded to the email by writing, “F*** YOU, REPUBLICANS” from her official University of Iowa email account.

[audio: What-a-maroon.mp3]

That “professor” (of useless crap) really needs a spanking. I’d prefer a public flogging, but a spanking would probably drive her (further) insane, so that’d work for me.

Still, I could have wished for a better text than what was sent. After all, this was from someone(s) who graduated high school and gained *coug* admission to university schooling, sent to students and faculty who also ought to be presumed to be literate enough to read their way out of a paper bag, and yet…

From: UI College Republicans

Subject: [NonAcadStudorg] Conservative Coming Out Week

Conservatives in Iowa City it is now time to come out of the closet!

I know at times it feels like you are the only person that [should be “who” but I’ll count this one as a “gimme”–ed] disagrees with this liberal town, but you are not alone! We are asking all Republicans, Independents leaning right, or just anyone slightly frustrated with the current one party controlling every level of Johnson County, and some levels of Iowa and U.S. government to STAND UP!

Conservative Coming Out Week will be April 18th – April 22nd. Here is the schedule of events that will be going on throughout the week:

Monday: Whose [SIC] Conservative Anyway? Guess which athletes, movie stars, and performing artists are Republican. 11-1 on Kautz Plaza off of the T. Anne Cleary Walkway.

Tuesday: Red vs. Blue Blood Drive from 2 to 6pm at the Carnival Room in Burge. Competition between the Republicans and Democrats for a good cause!

-College Republican meeting that night at 8pm in 71 Schaeffer Hall with showing of “Journey’s with George” in honor of President George W. Bush.

Wednesday: Come pick up your Doctors’ Notice to miss class for “sick of being stress” [SIC], just like the Wisconsin public employees during the union protests from 11 to 1 on the Pentacrest.

Thursday: Red vs Blue games! Beat the UDems in kickball and flag football from 4-6 in Hubbard Park. Wear your respective political parties [SIC] color!

Stick around for a [SIC] Animal Rights BBQ at 6 p.m.

Friday: Wear RED Day! Come out of the closet and show your true colors!

Should be a great week! Lets [SIC] come out!

*sigh* The best I could give the author(s) of this email would be a “C”–a “B” for creativity and a solid “D-” for all the mistakes.

But at least the author(s) was(were) trying to play–though fairly (how weird! ;-))–by Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. *heh*

Complete rabbit trail (with no roast rabbit at the end): I regret having missed the PETA Roast Animal Rights BBQ. But I did burn some animal flesh in honor of the event, anyway.