More “Global Warming”

Yeh, yeh, I know the fallacy of arguing weather conditions to counter blather from The Cult of Anthropogenic Global Climate Scare-ism, but since the cult regularly fakes “data” and turns a blind eye to the elephants in the room (we don’t even know what the solar constant is anymore, not that we ever really did, and only Ian Pilmer, once a well-respected geologist who is now vilified by the CAGCS for raising inconvenient facts, seems to be seriously addressing the role of volcanism in climate), I feel in no mood to play fair with The Cult of Anthropogenic Global Climate Scare-ism. So there.

So, on the first week and a bit of “Spring” here in America’s Third World County, we’ve had freezing temps overnight, every night, and temps only today began climbing into the plus 50 degrees Fahrenheit range.

Gotta be that Global Warming, eh, since these temps are unusually cool for early Spring around here.


Do note that some CAGCS cultist loonies are actually asserting anthropogenic causes for increased volcanic activity. Roll that one around for a while, would you? Your CO2 “contamination” of the atmosphere is, according to these “maroons” (to use Bugs Bunny’s label), causing volcanic eruptions!

Oh, they have long, convoluted, irrational “explanations” for their assertions, but it all boils down to an assertion of mankind’s power over geologic formations to such a degree as to make the mythic Greek gods envious.


I dread to ask what more these cultists can do to discredit their religion.