Oh, Yes: Buy This Company’s Products, Riiiight

On the product label of a 3-piece ethernet cable/adapter set:

“Idea for connect almost anything to your USB devices”

WTF?!? The cable has two RJ-45 connectors. One adapter is a marginally useful (very marginally useful in an emergency situation, I suppose) Female/Female RJ-45 connector and one completely useless RJ-45 splitter (anyone who’d use such a thing instead of using a router, hub or switch needs their head examined, IMO).

No USB cable or adapters whatsoever.

And note the fractured English, which was probably intended to convey, “Ideal for connecting… ” Yep. Made by slave labor in China.

Oh, I read the back for more amusement, such as,

“This product contains chemicals, including lead; know [sic] to the states [sic] of California… “

Wow. Chinese slave labor as founts of wisdom noting the gaseous, liquid and solid states of California? Somnolent state vs waking state? What?


“When you open package please use scissors and cut along perforation… “

You guessed it: no perforations.

There was more, but these were enough to provide me with a bit of amusement.