NOT a Solution

Was watching an episode (number 1 of only 2) of the short-lived and now history Paul Reiser Show when a commercial for provided welcome relief. Unfortunately, the relief was very short-lived too. *sigh* The commercial touted as a way to catch up on one’s reading.

Roll that around in your head for a bit. Some bubbleheaded blonde sitting at her ease on a patio supposedly listening to a recorded “book” as a model for catching up on one’s reading!

If you are behind on your reading, the solution is to pick up a book on your reading list (you do have a reading list, don’t you? Hmmm?) and READ it.


Note: while listening to someone else read a book pretty much bores me to tears, I can see its value for some folks, but representing that sort of thing as “catching up on one’s reading” is just stupid. For one thing, even assuming a rather slow rate of reading speed, how many people can listen at 500-700 words per minute? Heck, it would seem to me that listening to someone else read a book would result in falling behind on one’s total consumption of books in whatever form, quite apart from the fact that listening ain’t reading!

BTW, after about 10 minutes, I couldn’t take any more of the Paul Reiser Show. NBC did the right thing to kill it early. Just not early enough, IMO. Killing it before airing would have suited it better.