Dredged From the Archives: The Crux of the Matter

What matter is that? The essential difference between decent human beings and those who deem themselves our political, social and intellectual betters among the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, politicians *spit* as a general class, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and Loony Left Moonbats.

I know of no one who has not done stupid things or behaved dishonestly at some point or another in their lives. And I specifically include myself in that assessment. Only a pathological liar could live past the age of two and say that they’ve never done something stupid or dishonest with a straight face.

That said, what’s the difference between a common, ordinary decent person and the typical Mass Media Podperson, politician *spit*, Academia Nut Fruitcake or Loony Left Moonbat?

It’s this: an ordinarily decent person experiences genuine guilt when they catch themselves lying or deceiving others and will repent and attempt to remediate their lie. An ordinarily decent person who does something stupid will make every effort to make whole anyone harmed by their stupidity and seek for ways to do better next time.

Just keep that in mind, would you?

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