Companion Thoughts on Memorial Day

Two WWI era poems to remind us what Memorial Day is about: the 1915 “In Flanders Fields” by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918) Canadian Army and an American response by Moina Michael in 1918, “We Chall Keep the Faith”. Shall we?

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.


We Shall Keep the Faith

Oh! you who sleep in Flanders Fields,
Sleep sweet – to rise anew!
We caught the torch you threw
And holding high, we keep the Faith
With All who died.

We cherish, too, the poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led;
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies,
But lends a lustre to the red
Of the flower that blooms above the dead
In Flanders Fields.

And now the Torch and Poppy Red
We wear in honor of our dead.
Fear not that ye have died for naught;
We’ll teach the lesson that ye wrought
In Flanders Fields.

The last few lines of her response indict our generation,

“Fear not that ye have died for naught;
We’ll teach the lesson that ye wrought
In Flanders Fields.”

Oh, not all have failed to teach the lessons bought in blood at Flanders Field and elsewhere, but were they taught better and more widely, the traitors who are mostly running an ever-expanding anarcho-tyrannical oligarchy wouldn’t be in power today…

Keep the faith. Tell someone–today!–the truth about the rights and liberties our forefathers–and even many today–have been willing to lay down their lives to protect and defend, rights and liberties in serious jeopardy (or already abridged) by a government grown obese at the urging of the electorate.

Neat Lil Betatool

Opera has decided that those of us who voluntarily strap on the latest nightly builds and take off into the wild should have something different to play with. The call it Opera Next. It installs separately from one’s regular Opera build and is self-updating with whatever latest build is out–a new alpha? Fine! Won’t impact one’s regular install. Handy. It even has a White icon instead of the normal red Opera “O” so it’s easy even for me to keep track of. *heh*

I’ve been loading alphas and betas of Opera for some years now on Windows and ‘nix computers alongside standard releases, and this really does make it easy to not accidentally *cough* update the wrong installation. 😉

More MacWarz: Apple Silliness

Mac OS X is soooo secure that Apple has designed the default setting in the Safari browser to allow “safe files” to download and execute automatically, making it super easy for the “MacGuard” successor to the “MacDefender” malware (that Apple has finally responded to) to install itself on OS X machines running in an admin account session… which an enormous number of Mac users–like Windows users–do.

I guess Apple bought into their own “OS X is secure” propaganda, because when Safari installs on Windows machines it, like all the other mature browsers–and even Internet Exploder *heh*–defaults to asking if the user is sure about downloading a file and warns it could be dangerous.

Oh, but that’s for Windows machines. Have to maintain the fiction of Mac invulnerability, so not gonna do that on OS X machines, no matter how it might endanger the users.

Dumb move, Apple. It’s already caught you with your pants down and until you admit your users need at least a warning, and get the word out widely in your user base, it’s gonna keep biting you on your bare ass.

It is going to be amusing to watch the slow awakening of folks who’ve accused anyone who pointed out the tiniest lil flaw in the Apple fantasy world of “hate speech” or worse when, little by little, their little fantasy world crumbles beneath their feet.

BTW, which OS was hacked first in the Pwn2Own meet recently? Hmmm? 😉 5 Seconds to fail.

On a most basic level the attack exploited Apple’s weak memory protections in OS X Snow Leopard. Microsoft, more popular and more commonly attacked, includes two critical types of memory protection — data execution prevention and robust address space layout optimization (ASLR) — both of which attempt to prevent memory injection attacks. By contrast, Snow Leopard only supports ASLR and the implementation is badly botched according to hackers.

The attack also exploited poor coding in Apple’s branch of WebKit, which features many bugs and security flaws. While Apple’s WebKit branch, which powers its Safari browser, shares a certain amount of code with Google’s WebKit browser Chrome, Google has added much more robust security layers and is less buggy.

Just sayin’.

In past years the contest has been dominated by OS X hacking/security pro Charlie Miller. So it was nice to see a fresh face for a change, though the MacBook was still the first to fall — as usual. Mr. Miller sums up OS X security the best, with his famous remark, “Mac OS X is like living in a farmhouse in the country with no locks, and Windows is living in a house with bars on the windows in the bad part of town.”

Now, before anyone accuses me of “hating on Apple” please note that I’m just stating facts here, ‘K? Apple has deliberately misled folks for years about the security of OS X (not the “the MacBook was still the first to fall — as usual” comment above) and stonewalled AppleCare subscribers with, essentially, “Screw you” when asked for help with the “MacDefender” malware issue, so Apple deserves a swift kick in the ass, as far as I’m concerned. I’ve delivered a few M$’s way from time to time, and it’s only fair that when Apple acts evil that it gets some mud in its eye.


Well, the (only) four habanero plants I put out this year are getting some great growth (all this rain, I suppose) but not yet flowering. OTOH, one (of the 28 *heh*) jalapeño plants has not only flowered but is bringing on peppers, already. Hot-cha-cha! (You really have to envision Jimmy Durante’s slightly different utterance for that to work properly. 🙂 OK, here…)

The tomato plants are just getting huge; no flowering or fruiting yet. But growing like gangbusters.

And my amaranth, sown from seed–the same seed I cook up for a “cereal”? REALLY growing, fast! Like it! We’ll just have to see how that stuff produces. I’ll likely have to thin the plants out quite a bit, but that just means greens and shoots (and stems to use sorta like rhubarb).

Not much of a garden, but it has things that please us. Oh, and mixed in are marigolds (also a lovely plant) and my Wonder Woman’s impatiens (and the morning glory she loves that I’m letting come back a little). Gone is almost all the mint and finally nearly all the Virginia Creeper. Sadly, our dandelion crop has been sparse this year. I don’t know why. Plenty of wild onion, though. Yum.

Now, how to make best use of all the “yard vine” in the back yard… hmmm… it’s said to make a nice topical analgesic, so…

About That “Scientific Consensus” Thingy…

There are many, many examples of “scientific consensus” being flat out wrong, from the scholastics who derided Galileo and compelled the Catholic church to place him in house arrest (as much to protect him from the Academia Nut Fruitcakes of the 17th Century as anything else… plus ça change and all that, I suppose… ) to the much trumpeted “consensus” about Anthropogenic Whatever-They’re-Calling-It-Today. Here’s Jacob Bronowski mentioning yet another “scientific consensus” in a snippet from his 1973 presentation, “The Ascent of Man”–

Of course, Bronowski was exaggerating a wee tad. After all, J.J. Thomson was working diligently at that time to prove the existence and properties of electrons, which he called “corpuscles”, and others were exploring and debating the existence and properties of atoms, but in general what Bronowski asserts is as true of the “scientific community” of the very early 1900s in regards to consensus on the existence of the atom as “scientific consensus” today regarding Anthropogenic Whatever-They’re-Calling-It-Today: the accepted dogma of those with the power of position, money and the public’s ear is just as anti-scientific today as the assertions from ignorance of the anti-atomic dogmatists of the early 1900s. And the real scientists are working today, just as out of the limelight as Thomson and his colleagues were in 1900.

But, of course, then Thomson was awarded a Nobel for his work in 1907 and the tide began to turn…

“Scientific consensus” has as often been wrong as right over the centuries, and we’d do well to learn the lesson that theory must bend to fact, and not the other way around as those who embrace the Cult of Anthropogenic Whatever-They’re-Calling-It-Today would have it with their always wrong (at least so far) computer models that “prove”–with faked data as often as not, it seems–the sky is falling (though no one has been hit by a chunk of sky yet, despite their predictions).

Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop

While my Wonder Woman, Son&Heir and I are using the nearest available public WiFi (“Family Night” at the Library! *heh*), I’m taking time to post some schadenfreude-laden “nanny-nanny-boo-boo” in the MacWarz! category:

Waiting on the class action lawsuit based on the “Mac Defender” malware and its more robust and sneaky successor(s?) Why? Because Apple misled naive users. They said, specifically, that no user intervention is necessary to protect users from malware.


Safeguard your data. By doing nothing.

With virtually no effort on your part, Mac OS X defends against viruses and other malicious applications, or malware. For example, it thwarts hackers through a technique called “sandboxing” — restricting what actions programs can perform on your Mac, what files they can access, and what other programs they can launch. Other automatic security features include Library Randomization, which prevents malicious commands from finding their targets, and Execute Disable, which protects the memory in your Mac from attacks.
Download with peace of mind.

Innocent-looking files downloaded over the Internet may contain dangerous malware in disguise. That’s why files you download using Safari, Mail, and iChat are screened to determine if they contain applications. If they do, Mac OS X alerts you, then warns you the first time you open one.

Stay up to date, automatically.

When a potential security threat arises, Apple responds quickly by providing software updates and security enhancements you can download automatically and install with a click. So you’re not tasked with tracking down updates yourself and installing all of them one by one.
Protect what’s important.

Mac OS X makes it easy to stay safe online, whether you’re checking your bank account, sending confidential email, or sharing files with friends and coworkers. Features such as Password Assistant help you lock out identity thieves who are after personal data, while built-in encryption technologies protect your private information and communications. Safari also uses antiphishing technology to protect you from fraudulent websites. If you visit a suspicious site, Safari disables the page and displays an alert warning you about its suspect nature.

Of course, none of this prevented Mac users by the droves from installing the “Mac Defender” malware, and the new procedures reluctantly posted by Apple to remove it and prevent its installation (last week Apple was simply telling AppleCare users who called, “Screw You”) WILL NOT WORK with the new version of the malware that has already been seen in the wild. Neither will all the supposed security features touted above. Go to the ZDNet article linked above for more.

Weather Offlines TWC Central

Update: More rain last night and more expected over the next few days. The creek behind twc central hasn’t advanced over its banks, although downstream, due to other tributaries and some backing up from overfull, constricted areas downstream–as close as 1/4 mile–it’s still pretty hairy.

Still no internet connection @twc central, so updates are going to be sparse. Here’s a pic from yesterday,down by the bridge about 1/4 mile south of us. Do note that the date stamped by the camera is off by one day. The pic was taken on the 24th.

Note the rock and gravel washed up on the other side that’s completely blocking the street.

The tornado that struck (one of dozens in the area, according to reports) about 35-40 miles north of America’s Third World County took our ISP down for most of this area. I’m (in an undisclosed location *heh*) a mini-buncha miles south of twc central in a library parking lot leeching off its public WiFi, now.

No pics of the devastation north of us. Son&Heir drove up there yesterday, unaware of the destruction, since our cable–all of it,TV and internet–had been down since about the time the tornado hit, and we’re not really much of a radio family (for one thing, living in a “radio black hole” has kind of trained us away from listening, and for another, there’s not a lot ofselection around here anyway). Anywho, we got a direct report, but since he was trying NOT to rubberneck (and cause an accident) but just get out of the way quickly, no pics from him, either.

But, here are some pics from about 200′ behind twc central. Note that yesterday’s pic is on the right and this a.m.’s is on the left. What a difference a DAY MAKES, EH?

Chicago White House Rules

Well, at least the kids in The Zero’s White House pay off co-conspirators who come through with the goods for them:

AARP Cashes In On Obumacare “Waiver” (Payoff)

Yeh, yeh, so I retitled the weenie, “AARP latest to receive Obamacare break” to reflect the simple fact that AARP and The Zero and their Dhimmicrappic congressional co-conspirators colluded together to make bribing shills like AARP (among others) to support the unconstitutional Obumacare something of a textbook case of Chicago White House Rules.

Are You Ready?

For this afternoon’s predicted “Rapture” event (See Acts 1:6-7 and 1 Thessalonians 5:1-2 for the nitty-gritty), that is. Ya don’t want to come home to find one of these on your door, now do you? Hmmm?

(Be sure to print some out and spread them around town, eh?)

Seen at Look! A Baby Wolf! via Autumn People.

UPDATE: Well, here it is a day later and I’m still here. Now, some (yeh, I’m lookin’ at you) might not think that’s much in the way of evidence that the Rapture didn’t occur anyway (and I’m not so sure I wouldn’t agree, were one to judge by my life* *heh*), but last I checked, my Wonder Woman is still around, and you’ll not find a better Christian than she is.

But Harold Camping, con man extraordinaire, still has a net worth over $70million… Not bad, if he can still live with himself.

*Not that that is the criterion by which “raptured” souls will be judged. (Ephesians 2:8-9, among other passages in The Bible.)