(F)Makes Me Look “Smart”

Every time a family member drops a, “Have you heard of this? So-and-so recommended it to me,” on me and I remind them that I mentioned it to them (or sent them a link to info on it or demoed it to them) months (or longer) ago, it makes me look like I’m ahead of the(ir) curve.

Which I am. *heh*

Example, (person who shall go unnamed) asked me this week if I’d heard of DropBox. *sigh* I’ve been using it for quite a while now, since it left beta testing. I’ve sent them several links to public DropBox files, sent them links to sign up and FAQ pages, etc.

All I said was, “Sure have. It’s really useful. See?” turning my notebook to face ’em and opening its DropBox folder… *heh*

While I find it handier in many ways to set up my computers so I can access the actual machines remotely, DropBox is useful for simply having files I need to have accessible from anywhere handy. Sure, I have a SkyDrive account and other online file storage services. I even have certain kinds of files stored on my own hosting (testing the limits of “unlimited storage” *heh*). But DropBox is just dead simple to use. For Win/Mac/Linux. One’s DropBox folders are also accessible via the web.

Well, I took a rabbit trail, didn’t I? S’all right. I still get to look “smart” (to some ;-)).

Après-Snopocalypse 2011 Amusement

Methinks school attendance on the first school day of February 2011 here in America’s Third World County will be lower than desired by pubschool admins. Amused myself for a bit this a.m. listening to “the school bus channel” on scanner as one after another report went out to bus drivers to skip bus stops because parents and students still couldn’t get out to the bus stops. (Now, keep in mind that a lot of the “piney woods” folks live back 1 and sometimes 2 miles from the nearest roads, accessible only via air or–by now–deeply rutted and still snow and ice-packed private dirt roads, not something I’d necessarily send a young grade school child off trekking down to meet a bus that may or may not get through the still unplowed and ice/snow packed connecting county dirt road.)

At least it may mean fewer whines from kids about missing their “Valentines Day Party” that was scheduled for last Friday. *heh*

Love-Hate Relationship

I hate all sorts of malware, but… still, it’s fun to be able to help folks get rid of the stuff once they manage to infect themselves. Yes, malware infections are almost always (I’d say better than 99% of the time) the result of laziness. I used to say laziness or naiveté, but naive users nowadays are simply lazy users who’ve not bothered doing their basic homework on safe computing practices, since the information’s so readily available and so easily put into practice.

A new oldie-goldie (brassie-assie, more like *sigh*) almost gave me a headache when I worked on cleaning it off a computer recently. “System Tool 2011” (among other names) is another one of those “scareware” apps that deeply infest a system, often bringing along, as this one did, a trojan downloader to redownload the thing should someone manage to almost clean it off a system. I said, “almost gave me a headache” because I actually enjoy having a piece of malware defeat the easy or more usual ways of cleaning it off a system, because I always manage to learn something new when that happens.

No, normal tools–Hijackthis, a number of anti-malware scanners (standalone, online or anti-malware suites) and even boot-up scanners–none of them really erradicated the thing. It took a combo of just hunting down weird files, taking a closer look inside ’em, nuking the ones that were sufficiently suspicious with a standalone file scrubber utility loaded from a flash drive (and renaming those that were marginally suspicious), emptying restore points from within a Safe Mode session, then re-running several different scanners until the behaviors went away and fresh downloads of four different anti-malware scanners could turn up no problems.

Oh, there were a few other things along the way, but that’s the bare bones of it.

Really quite fun! 🙂

*sigh* I’ve never gotten to do things like that on a ‘nix system. Oh, well. At least I’ve gotten to run down really weird hardware problems caused by system updates on ‘nix systems. 🙂 That’s fun too.

One other kinda fun thing: with my Wonder Woman’s lil lappy open, Son&Heir computing away on the lil Toshiba he picked up the other day, my lil lappy and two other notebooks on & “doing stuff” the living room was “alive” with five computer screens glowing. Who needed the lights on? *heh* (OK, so we also had someambient light from the east-facing faux “stained glass” bay window, but there was enough from the 4 15.6 inche screens and the one 17.3″ screen to get by with, anyway. *heh*)

Two of these lappys will go back to delighted owners tomorrow (one has been w/o hers since the snows began, because her drive was impassable and I was told in No Uncertain Terms to stay away until their house became accessible *heh*).

Wallomped With the White Stuff

Last week’s snow (with a very little added over Sunday/Monday) was just getting to the safe driving stage–we finally got our street plowed and sanded, for example–when…

Another 10″ (last time I stopped measuring, while it was still coming down) added on top. Now, Son&Heir had left for work early this a.m. before the snow hit. By 10:00 a.m., when he got tyhe OK to leave early, it was up to his knees. Roads really bad all the way back until… 5 miles from home, his lil car just died.

Now, I couldn’t get out to9 go troubleshoot the thing, and towing services here in America’s Third World County are way, way behind in the number of vehicles they have to “service”. Oh, I got as far as halfway up the hill leading out of our neighborhood… on my second attempt, but backing down to try again, I got stuck and spent 30 minutes digging out. By that time, I got word that he was on his way home, courtesy of the Highway Patrol (finally, some good out of the organization). I was able to get halfway up the hill again so I could back down and get turned around, then struggle back on into our drive.

And all the while, the snow just kept coming.

*heh* Good thing, in a way, that I got stuck, though, because on my first “plowing” through the unbroken snow on our street, I’d stripped off the air dam on my lil Saturn. Though it had become almost completely buried in the new snowfall in the brief time between attempt #1 and attempt #2, enopugh was still visible for me to spot it and go dig it out, so I’ll be able to reattach it later. Much later. Come Spring, perhaps. *heh*

The Way to a Man’s…

…appreciation, at least. Today, Son&Heir presented me with one of these:

It looks better with beer in it, so he filled it with 2 bottles of Shiner Bock (a Pretty Good beer).

Good goin’ fella!


And the answer to this problem is…

…easily computed using standard algorithms: raze “schools of education” to the ground, put education professors, remote educrats and their pubschool administration dupes on chain gangs making little rocks out big rocks, with breaks for frequent “counseling sessions” by Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether.

Snowmageddon 2011?


Just when it was (relatively) safe to go outa the house: in the last 1-1.5 hours, nearly 2″ of powder over packed snow & ice on America’s Third World County streets and roads. Makes for more treacherous driving than if it were snow alone, of coure. OTOH, it is kinda fun to watch dumbasses trying to drive in the stuff (as long as one can stay out of their line of attack).

[audio: Paul_Simon-Art_Garfunkel_Slip-Slidin-Away-clip.mp3]

This S&G hook is pretty much the theme song for today’s “Third World County Snowmageddon Demolition Derby”.

Understanding “Capitalism”

“Capitalism” as used by the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, nearly ALL politicians *spit*, Academia Nut Fruitcakes, Wall Street moneychangers and the common (“mass man”) man in the street today really refers to a system of spoils, wherein government licenses fiefdoms to businesses and then taxes and regulates them into inefficient, wasteful systems of producing wealth for those who are “connected” to political and bureaucratic power bases by family (or other associations) or money.

Classic capitalism is something the U.S. hasn’t seen for a long, long time.

Is It My Fault?

Well, partly, I guess. After all, with the weather dominating my thoughts recently, I’ve actually been watching TV weather ‘casts. But really… Sticking a sharp stick in my ear with abortions of the English language like “tempature” and “FebYOUary”? Over and over and over again!


And it’s not just some regional crapspeak limited to local yokels, no!

Why are these people allowed to poke me in the ear with a sharp stick? Why is there no capital punishment for these crimes?

But no! It’s my fault for watching these idiots. But they accept pay to butcher the English language! It’s criminal, I tell you, criminal. They should all be hung by dangling participles…

I’m going to pledge to myself to stick with accuweather.com, weatherbug.com (although the weather station at the local high school is giving some weird, anomalous readings recently) and weather.com. At least I don’t have to listen to “dumbassspeak” when I read a web page (just poke a fork in my brain and twirl when reading some web pages *arrrggghhh!*).