Snowmageddon 2011?


Just when it was (relatively) safe to go outa the house: in the last 1-1.5 hours, nearly 2″ of powder over packed snow & ice on America’s Third World County streets and roads. Makes for more treacherous driving than if it were snow alone, of coure. OTOH, it is kinda fun to watch dumbasses trying to drive in the stuff (as long as one can stay out of their line of attack).

[audio: Paul_Simon-Art_Garfunkel_Slip-Slidin-Away-clip.mp3]

This S&G hook is pretty much the theme song for today’s “Third World County Snowmageddon Demolition Derby”.

Understanding “Capitalism”

“Capitalism” as used by the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, nearly ALL politicians *spit*, Academia Nut Fruitcakes, Wall Street moneychangers and the common (“mass man”) man in the street today really refers to a system of spoils, wherein government licenses fiefdoms to businesses and then taxes and regulates them into inefficient, wasteful systems of producing wealth for those who are “connected” to political and bureaucratic power bases by family (or other associations) or money.

Classic capitalism is something the U.S. hasn’t seen for a long, long time.

Is It My Fault?

Well, partly, I guess. After all, with the weather dominating my thoughts recently, I’ve actually been watching TV weather ‘casts. But really… Sticking a sharp stick in my ear with abortions of the English language like “tempature” and “FebYOUary”? Over and over and over again!


And it’s not just some regional crapspeak limited to local yokels, no!

Why are these people allowed to poke me in the ear with a sharp stick? Why is there no capital punishment for these crimes?

But no! It’s my fault for watching these idiots. But they accept pay to butcher the English language! It’s criminal, I tell you, criminal. They should all be hung by dangling participles…

I’m going to pledge to myself to stick with, (although the weather station at the local high school is giving some weird, anomalous readings recently) and At least I don’t have to listen to “dumbassspeak” when I read a web page (just poke a fork in my brain and twirl when reading some web pages *arrrggghhh!*).