
WOW! It’s a heat wave! Weatherbug says the local high school weather station is reporting 8.3°F (~-13°C) already. At 10:30 in the morning! I’d better break out the cargo shorts and sunblock.

Just a Lil Geekiness

I have used some form of the OpenOffice suite as my usual office apps collection for personal use for several years now, actually since Sun offered StarOffice for free, early on. Oh, I’ve used the progressively-upgraded M$Office suite (now with Office 2003, 2007 and 2010 on various Windows boxes, “real” and virtual) just because I need to maintain familiarity for troubleshooting or tutoring others’ use, but that’s just about it for me and M$Office apps.

Now, though, the scene’s a bit complicated since LibreOffice has forked (sort of) from OpenOffice. So, OK, I uninstalled OpenOffice on this lil 15.6″ toy Asus and installed LibreOffice. Most things seem about the same, except… killer feature: natively editing PDF files. Very nice. I liked being able to create PDf files in OpenOffice, but opening and editing PDF files is a very cool feature. Kudos, LibreOffice guys n gals.