Quick Cocoa

1/2C Cream
1/2C 2% milk
1 heaping tablespoon of evaporated condensed milk
2Tbs sucralose
1/4Tsp vanilla extract
1 heaping tablespoon unsweetened cocoa.

Heat the liquids by your fav method.

Combine everything in a blender. Serves 1, so make double if you are making some for yourself in the presence of a Significant Other. Or else. *heh*


Just the thing on a “snowed in day”.

Meanwhile, a pot of beef stew is cooking away in the Wolfgang Puck Rice Cooker and a pot of chili’s makin’ on the stove. Whatever comes, we’ll have plenty of fare to face being snowed in or power outaged. Or both.


And people get paid to write mind-numbing crap like this!

“A large and potential [sic] historic winter storm is bringing blizzard conditions to the central Plains as it spreads north and east into Midwest and Great Lakes.”

The guy who wrote the sentence above ought to have “Butt Stupid” tattooed on his forehead in red lettering. Just how freakin’ hard would it be to add two letters to make that sentence’s grammar correct?

“A large and potentially historic winter storm is bringing blizzard conditions to the central Plains as it spreads north and east into Midwest and Great Lakes.”

See? Not hard at all, but some dumbass actually got paid to encourage subliterate morons to stick a (metaphorical, folks) fork behind their eyeballs and stir vigorously. *feh* At least the offenses against English I commit here aren’t paid, so I’m not a thief as well as being occasionally grammar-challenged.

Hoist With Their Own Petard

Nanny-nanny-boo-boo@The Zero, “Nazi Pelozi” and “Hairy Reed”.



I noted this on FB yesterday, but it’s worth a “real” post.

Health Judge Uses Obama’s Words Against Him

“I note that in 2008, then-Senator Obama supported a health care reform proposal that did not include an individual mandate because he was at that time strongly opposed to the idea, stating that, ‘If a mandate was the solution, we can try that to solve homelessness by mandating everybody to buy a house,’” Judge Vinson wrote in a footnote toward the end of his 78-page ruling Monday.

Not only that, but the dumbasses Reid and Pelosi failed to put a severability clause in their multi-thousand-page monstrosity, so,

“Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void.”

Hoist with their own petard, indeed.

Play and repeat twice:

[audio: What-a-maroon.mp3]

Angel Dandruff

I don’t have a camera that’s fast enough to catch the snow that’s coming down except as a kinda foggy look, but it’s coming down to beat the band… and covering the inch or so of ice that’s acting as a base.

UPDATE: Now almost 10″ of the white stuff on top of an ice base and still coming. I’m not goin’ out there! Well, not in a car.)

UPDATE 2: It’s now after sundown. Temp’s about 16°F (about -9°C). Supposed to be 10°-13°F colder overnight and even colder (by another 10°F) tomorrow night. MODOT (Missouri Department of Transportation) says, “Most of y’all should just hunker down and stay warm,” or some such.

Purple=covered in snow & ice.

The smaller state “highways” near the purple and red are worse than the main roads by a lot, if past experience is any indication.

We can’t get out of our drive, because the street in front of our house is too deeply covered. I ain’t a-shovelin’ the whole street by hand with my 30+ year old snow shovel. One street over is the main route for the county ambulance service, so it (alone) in the area has been plowed and sanded by a city-contracted service out to the nearest highway… which is in worse shape than the access road to the ambulance service.

I’m pooped out just walkin’ in this stuff to do a survey of nearby streets/roads–and I just went far enough to be able to get a look–about 1.5 blocks, walking most of the way in a track Son&Heir had broken earlier.


The “best” road in America’s Third World County: