Understanding “Capitalism”

“Capitalism” as used by the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, nearly ALL politicians *spit*, Academia Nut Fruitcakes, Wall Street moneychangers and the common (“mass man”) man in the street today really refers to a system of spoils, wherein government licenses fiefdoms to businesses and then taxes and regulates them into inefficient, wasteful systems of producing wealth for those who are “connected” to political and bureaucratic power bases by family (or other associations) or money.

Classic capitalism is something the U.S. hasn’t seen for a long, long time.

6 Replies to “Understanding “Capitalism””

  1. mm, OK, as a third generation Australian – am still trying to figure out where the dummy spit comes from .. heh ..buut still think that this site is worth putting in to ‘blogs that interest me”.


    1. “[D]ummy spit”? I normally do spit when I contemplate politicians, Davo, as it’s a more mannerly way to end my gagging than by hurling or spewing. The very idea that our Founders here in the US could write the Constitution and not provide for “counseling sessions” by Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether for congresscritters and other unspeakably intolerable “idjits” in the “feddle gummint” does occasionally cause me to question their wisdom… Of course, those same “idjits” are the primary barrier to enacting an amendment to the Constitution that would mend the Founders’ error today. *sigh*

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