So, Chuck’s an Uncle

Chuck hasn’t been as consistently watchable as I’d have liked, but the idea of a geeky dude playing spy has been fun, off and on. Tonight, Chuck became an uncle, but… *sigh* They named the poor (fictional, OK) kid, Clara. For someone of my generation, the first “TV Generation”, that immediately invoked images:

Yep. Either Clarabell Clown or Clarabelle Cow.

Who’s the funniest clown we know?
Who’s the clown on Howdy’s show?
His feet are big, his tummy’s stout,
But we could never do without,
Clara, Clara, Clarabell!

Who has fuzzy-wuzzy hair?
It’s partly red but mostly bare.
And since the day that he was born,
He’s honked and honked and honked his horn.
Clara, Clara, Clarabell!

Come on! You can sing along!

Sad. *sigh*

What a [deleted] Idiot!

Sure, The Zero apparently thought during the 2008 campaign that the US had 58-60 states (his remark about having visited 57 states was in the context of having “one more to go” excluding Hawaii and Alaska) and Cwazy Uncle Joe Biden doesn’t know that the Constitution designates the vice president as the one to preside (as president, no less) over the Senate, but here’s a guy who’s been a US Senator for 12 years and has no clue about the separation of powers mandated by the Constitution. See about the 1:08 mark:

“We have three branches of government. We have a House; we have a Senate; we have a President… ”

[audio: What-a-maroon.mp3]

Winter Storm Watch Warning

Damn that global warming. *heh*

My Wonder Woman reported to me that the secretary at her M-W-F school greeted everyone as they arrived this morning with, “Happy Friday!”

Yep. Snow forecast for America’s Third World County–up to a foot by tomorrow afternoon/evening, over ice and around 2″ of sleet as a base.

Bearing that in mind, and recalling the Great Ice Storm of 2007, which took out power for much of the county for most of January that year, around noon today I began rounding up supplies. A propane-fueled camp stove and the appropriately-sized bottles of fuel, oil lamps, etc. If power goes out again, we may once again need to travel out of town–out of county–for my Wonder Woman to complete grad work assignments (just hunting up a hot spot),since we no longer have a backup dialup service, but for other needs, we should be OK. Sure, with temps projected to go as low as -6 Fahrenheit, I’ll need to keep the water running a wee tad to avoid freezing pipes if we love power, but that’d be a small price to pay.

Everything’s pretty well weatherproofed here at twc central. We have ice chests for moving fridge stuff outside for keeping, if power’s out too long. Plenty of propane for the camp stove and as long as we have water, the hot water heater (natural gas) will help warming the core of the house. (Help keep the pipes unfrozen, too, as hot/cold pipes are run very closely together.) Worked well enough during the bitterly cold weather in January 2007 when power was out here at twc central for a couple of weeks.

Of course, there is that client who needs onsite help out in the boonies on Tuesday afternoon. I may have to defer that, knowing just how steep and rough her nearly 1/4 mile drive is. Sadly, the roads to her house are less navigable in icy/snowy road conditions now than in 2007, since they’re now blacktopped. Icy/snowy dirt and gravel roads are often easier to drive in icy/snowy conditions. Oh, well.

Anywho… twc may be offline (or not) intermittently, for “weather days”. We’ll see.

Mini-micro-update: Banner streaming across TV screen has darned near everything in a six-county (four-state) area canceled already, except for the local schools here in America’s Third World County.

Meme Pool Game–Band Edition

From Mel:

You have a band. You need a band name, a title for your first album and an album cover design.

Here’s how to do it:

1 – Go to Wikipedia and hit random. The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 – Go to and hit random. The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 – Go to Flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”. Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 – Use Photoshop or similar ( is a free online photo editor) to put it all together.
5 – Post it on your blog along with these instructions, and trackback or link to your post in these comments.

Here is mine:


An Easy Mark

That’s me. It never ceases to amaze me, though by now I ought to be used to it, how manufacturers can send shoddy workmanship out the door.

Examples: a nice [name brand redacted *heh*] office chair whose arms would not stay firm, but wobbled, loosened and seemingly ready to fall off, within a short time after purchase. Simply tightening the bolts holding the arms on wasn’t the solution: they needed some thread locking compound. Simple. A couple of pennies-worth of thread lock, if that, and the arm bolts stay tight. (The cheap, thin leather on the arms and body was expected, and some has since been replaced after wearing out. More to come)

Bought a kitchen island, packed for assembly at home. It was pretty much what I expected, except… it had a drop leaf (one of the nice lil features) with one piece of 1″ hardwood (looks like oak) as a pull-out support. That’s fine, except that when I opened the box, the first thing I saw was that the support was split for about 3″ from the tip. *sigh* Carpenter’s glue and C-clamp. Next? When it was assembled, it became obvious that there were three problems with the faux “butcher block” top (it was a soft wood and NOT constructed as butcher block–but I already knew that from the store display so that wasn’t the problem). Pretty much in the middle of the top was a rather prominent marring. When the drop leaf was raised, its level did not match the rest of the top because of a crowning of the drop leaf surface.

Now, some progressively-finer sanding with my old (50 years? More?) Clarke sander did several good things: it got rid of the marring and the crown problems and removed what little finish was on the top and drop leaf, so it could be replaced with a better, Danish oil finish. I do not intend to use the top as a cutting surface, so something to provide a durable, low gloss finish was a good way to go.

Of course, I know why manufacturers send products like these out the door, ill-thought-out or with poor quality control. Many people won’t give poor quality control or bad construction (or even design) a second thought–perhaps because they simply don’t know better or because returns are a PITA. A few will complain and go to excessive lengths to compel a manufacturer or seller to make things right–and I’ve been known to do that very thing, even to the point of being almost thuggish to compel a seller/provider to “make me whole” when something is bad enough or involves anything beyond my dollar threshold for such things. Most of the time, I will just go ahead and make things right myself, often having expected in advance to have to do so (on the kitchen island, having seen a store display, I had already planned to refinish the top, for example).

Still, I’ve enjoyed the few times in recent years when I’ve been able to purchase something and have it be “just right” right out of the box. Appliance purchases this summer and my lil toy Asus are the recent examples of manufacturers and sellers getting it just right, but such examples still remain in the minority in my recent years’ experiences, and I keep on buying things I just know I’ll have to fix, right out of the box.

I Do These Stupid Things…

…as a service to my readers. *heh* That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

So, I thought I was deleting a couple of 3GB video files. Oops. Somehow, the whole folder was selected. Now, that’d not be so bad except that it’s my habit to SHIFT+Delete, meaning things normally do NOT go to the Recycle Bin in Windows or Trash bin in the GUI ‘nix OSes I use.

Yep. About 200GB of video files, “gone”. Except. OK, I took the lazy way out. Was in a Win7 session, so I invoked Recuva and told it to bring those files back from the dead. Now, normally, I use this lil utility or another (much more expensive utility, since Recuva is free *heh*) to resurrect files on USB-attached drives for other folks, but at least that meant I had it available to use for myself.

Next time, perhaps I just ought to be more careful to begin with, but meanwhile, Recuva does work.

So, just remember,

“If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just have to serve as a horrible warning.” – Catherine Aird.

Useful Distinctions

One of the things I decry about society today is what technologically-driven democratization of the language we use has done to both the communication of and the formation of ideas. As subliterate Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind “newsertainment” has influenced our discourse into channels of the lowest common denominator, thinking itself is being dumbed down by the subliterate use of words.

Let me use an example that’s one of the least offensive: the conflation into one dumbed down, flat, colorless meaning of three separate words that once (and still for some, slightly more literate users of English) had usefully distinct meanings: vulgarity, profanity, obscenity.

Now, all seem to be very inappropriately subsumed under “profanity”. But distinct meanings can yield clarity in communication, contra the argument made in another forum that,

“Insistence on precise meaning can work both for and against clarity.”

Please, someone, explain to me in words that make sense *heh* how that statement can make sense. Certainly precision in word usage can work for clarity in thought, expression and transmission of ideas, but how does imprecision in word usage lead to clarity in any of those activities? (And that comment was from one who claims “advanced training” –*heh* not “education”–in semantics and linguistics; go figure.)

So, what have we lost when different classes of “cuss words” (and I have a predictable problem with that term as well ;-)) are all gathered together under one class, ignoring any distinctions between classes? Let’s see.

A vulgarity is simply a “low speech” variant of a “high speech” word. “Shit” for “feces” is a common example. Both have the same primary meaning. “Shit”* is more useful for conveying disgust with something or for relaying the value of a commodity in earthy, pithy, no-nonsense tone. It’s vulgar, although some neo-victorian bowdlerizers have crammed it into the “profanity” class and now perhaps most people–very, very wrongly–think of it as a profanity.

And what of obscenities? Titilating, stirring up passions with lewd, indecent, debasing expressions or images of a sexual nature can also be vulgar, but rarely profane. Why? Well, that depends on what profanity is, doesn’t it?

Rightly, profanity is that which debases, insults, degrades or slanders that which is holy, belonging to or set apart (for his use) by God. By conflating that which is merely vulgar or even that which is obscene with profanity, one degrades, debases, obscures real profanity, making it easier for those who would do so to actually profane that which is holy and point the finger at the vulgar and obscene and say, “No, what I’m doing isn’t profane; that is.”

But beside all that is the fact that blurring meaningful distinctions in language to the point of erasure is simply lazy thinking… and encourages even lazier thinking. That’s how politicians who advance anarchy and tyranny with complete disregard for what citizens want can call themselves “Democrats”. Useful and meaningful distinctions in word usage would have long since renamed them to reflect their real nature.

*BTW, I sometimes despair of folks who are offended by the use of the word “shit”. As one dear old saint in my church told me, she grew up on a farm and every time they turned around they were stepping in some sort of shit. It’s just a part of life. Besides, think of my former neighbors who were named after an ancestor who had good bowel movements. That’s right; their name was “Shatwell”–a past tense of “to shit”.

In Light of Some of the Reactions to the SOTU Address…

Remember this?

“In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history are in the majority and dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.”-third world county’s corollary to Santayana’s Axiom

“Refuse to learn from history”? Heck, the electorate, enstupiated by Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind Kool-Aid, is largely ignorant of current events! As a result, de Jouvenal’s observation is not so much a warning as a description of where we are headed:

“A nation of sheep will surely beget a government of wolves.”

Still, thanks to The Zero, we now have a new graphic illustrating the thinking person’s response to his policies:

And, apparently Joe Biden wrote the SOTU address… 😉