8 Replies to “Makes Sense to Me. So, Where’s Your Birth Certificate?”

    1. 6:00 or so here in America’s Third World County, when you began commenting, so comment moderation (for first time commenters) caught your comments held ’em until I had had my first few cuppsa joe and wandered on into twc central. Not “concealed censorship” as you imply in a following comment; different time zones and a need for a wee tad more patience and understanding. Hmm? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    2. Nope. Third world COUNTY (no “r”). You’d almost have to live here to grok the reference (which I picked up from the “natives” when we moved here a couple of decades ago).

      And your comments (this last made at 6:49, local time) were held in moderation awaiting my second (or third) cuppa joe. Patience, Davo. We don’t all live in Australia, where the time was what? Somewhere between 7 an 10 in the evening when you began commenting (depending on your location in Australia–question: What’s with the weird time zones? were Australian time zones devised by a drunken wombat on crack cocaine who’d also been walloped upside the head with a brickbat? :-))?

    1. Don’t borrow. Do like I did: steal it. (Found this clip in a longer video and just, well, clipped it. Thought of repeating it more than once, but thought twice was enough. :-))

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