Angel Dandruff

I don’t have a camera that’s fast enough to catch the snow that’s coming down except as a kinda foggy look, but it’s coming down to beat the band… and covering the inch or so of ice that’s acting as a base.

UPDATE: Now almost 10″ of the white stuff on top of an ice base and still coming. I’m not goin’ out there! Well, not in a car.)

UPDATE 2: It’s now after sundown. Temp’s about 16°F (about -9°C). Supposed to be 10°-13°F colder overnight and even colder (by another 10°F) tomorrow night. MODOT (Missouri Department of Transportation) says, “Most of y’all should just hunker down and stay warm,” or some such.

Purple=covered in snow & ice.

The smaller state “highways” near the purple and red are worse than the main roads by a lot, if past experience is any indication.

We can’t get out of our drive, because the street in front of our house is too deeply covered. I ain’t a-shovelin’ the whole street by hand with my 30+ year old snow shovel. One street over is the main route for the county ambulance service, so it (alone) in the area has been plowed and sanded by a city-contracted service out to the nearest highway… which is in worse shape than the access road to the ambulance service.

I’m pooped out just walkin’ in this stuff to do a survey of nearby streets/roads–and I just went far enough to be able to get a look–about 1.5 blocks, walking most of the way in a track Son&Heir had broken earlier.


The “best” road in America’s Third World County:

2 Replies to “Angel Dandruff”

  1. Yeh, that’s about what we’ve looked like today. Almost impossible to tell how much though because of the wind. Our front door is almost drifted in on one side but the other side of the porch is about 1″ deep. Also, the cars don’t have much on them at all due to all the wind. Nor do the roofs. But it has been coming hard and fast since about 7:30 this morning.

    1. When I measured 10″ pretty consistently around the yard, out in the street, on up top of the hill, it was still coming down pretty well. That’s been about 4 hours ago, and I’m not going out again until–maybe–tomorrow. Heck, I’m not even taking the trash to the curb for the (usually) 3:00 am. pickup. They ain’t a-comin’. Count on it. 🙂 I did spend about 30 minutes cleaning cars off so there’ll not be as much to remove when this finally does stop, but *sheesh!*, that was movin’ a bait of snow! I want to sweep the snow off the deck tomorrow and do some charcoaling on the grill. That’ll be fun if it’s still snowing. 🙂 Had the beef stew I mentioned (in the post above) for dinner (raves!), and the chili’s ready for freezing. *heh* Maybe I’ll just put it outside on the deck. 🙂 This might be a good time to clean out the fridge, since I have enough space in two big coolers to store the stuff on the deck, anyway, and at these temps, the big deal will be protecting the food from freezing. *heh*

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