Ironic? Yes, but Justice, Too

Health Care Speechwriter for Edwards, Obama & Clinton Without Insurance Now

“What makes this a double blow is that my experience contradicts so much of what I wrote for political leaders over the last decade. That’s a terrible feeling, too. I typed line after line that said everything Massachusetts did would make health insurance more affordable. If I had a dollar for every time I typed, ‘universal coverage will lower premiums,’ I could pay for my own health care at Massachusetts’s rates.”

Sometimes, life really is fair. This time the lying (or, perhaps just stupid) propagandist gets spattered with the rotten fruits of the lie. Fitting, just, fair.

7 Replies to “Ironic? Yes, but Justice, Too”

  1. Why that Wendy Button must be nothing but a right wing hack. At least, that’s probably what we’ll be told in the next few days.

    If Congress and the president want to fix health care, then it is time to start over. They need to look at what’s worked and what has failed in Massachusetts.

    Imagine those words coming from the keyboard of a Democratic speachwriter.

  2. What part of “the constitution in no way authorizes the federal government to run a health care system” don’t those idiots understand anyway? We’re really having the wrong debate here.

  3. Gee, the political operative career path must not be as lucrative as some would have us believe.

    My guess is just about anyone can afford insurance of some kind it is more a matter of whether they want to or not.


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