Winterlude #1

Cold where you are? Maybe this’ll warm things up a tad:

Hey! At least it beats the “I love me” party Obama’s throwing in D.C. for entertainment value, and you don’t have to stand in line at a porta potty to enjoy it. And after the inauguration, partying and all, is passed, even then will there be enough disposal routes for all the B.S.?

(Nothing more from me today, cos in addition to my official–and essential–“to do” list, I have some mods to make to my primary computer. I may hose my system, but at least I’ll have fun doing it. :-))

President George W. “Call Me Fifi” Bush Weewees on Ramos and Compean

Yes, I wrote that post title. And I chose the wussy, prissy “weewees” for a good reason, too.

So, he FINALLY took some sort of action, but instead of the pardon (and abject apology) they richly deserve, George “Fifi” Bush–prissy little lapdog to successive Mexican presidents– merely commuted their sentences.

What a pussy (hey, I can mix my own metaphors if I want to).

On the issue of enforcing the law, instead of enfArcing it as he has done, President Bush gets a big red “F” from me. Instead of avidly prosecuting businesses that throw American jobs at illegals, his administration gave us a few “show” raids and… little else. Instead of actively and vigorously defending our borders, his administration has effected the evisceration of border enforcement. With his record on guarding our borders, he didn’t even need to lie to the American people in an attempt to get HIS desired amnesty bill passed, because a de facto amnesty situation exists already, but being a lapdog to successive Mexican presidents, he went ahead and lied about it anyway.

And he caps it off with his last act of “clemency” as a president by a limp-wristed slap in the face of two men who were doing the job of law enforcement President “Fifi” Bush did not want done:

Bush didn’t pardon the men for their crimes, but decided instead to commute their prison sentences because he believed they were excessive and that they had already suffered the loss of their jobs, freedom and reputations…

Right. Convicted because they “covered up” the shooting (the actual record shows they did not), they have “suffered the loss of their jobs, freedom and reputations” for simply doing their duty, a duty President Bush also pledged himself to perform, but failed utterly to do. Hmmm, another “Martha Stewart” case with the cherry on top of persecuting honorable law enforcement officials for actually attempting to enforce the law.

Thankyouverymuch, President Fifi Bush, for advancing the cause of anarcho-tyranny so well. *spit* Let’s just hope a REAL, honorable patriot or three steps in to mend Ramos and Compean’s lives with decent employment and a restoration of at least some small measure of what was wrongly wrested from them and their families by “feddle gummint” persecution under the administration of a Mexican lapdog.

(And here’s looking forward to a place in hell for Johnnie Sutton, absent a heartfelt repentance of his scurrilous behavior.)

Let this be the true epitaph of the Bush II presidency: George “Fifi” Bush almost does the right thing… but wimps out of office without doing so. Well, face it, to do the right thing on the matter of Ramos and Compean, he’d have to face his years of sucking up to illegals and to the ricos in Mexico who want to export their economic and social mismanagement of their own country.

Trackposted to Blog @, Leaning Straight Up, Walls of the City, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

The 10 Best Ways to Watch the Obama Inauguration Tomorrow

In order to suffer as little brain damage as possible during tomorrow’s Obamassiah “I love me and so should you” fest, one should watch the orgy

10. After having ones head bashed in by an Obamaniac for noting “inconsistencies” (lies, obfuscations and “look over there’s”) in The One’s public pronouncements.

9. While under total anesthesia

8. While dead drunk

7. After a few (or more) hits of “Acapulco Gold” saved from the 70s (it may no longer be any good, but at least you can blame what you see on the possible presence of hallucinogens in your system)

6. After poking ones eyes out with a sharp stick

5. And ones ears out as well

4. From somewhere orbiting out around Uranus, while hunting for the Mothership that dictates the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind’s every bloviation.

3. While circulating a petition to amend the Constitution to allow [edit]encourage [edit] require citizens to dunk D.C. politicians *spit* into the Potomoc until we are rid of them (see: keep busy doing Good Works and you’ll not have time to be harmed by the toxic cotton candy of the inauguration coverage!).

2. Chant to oneself over and over again, “At least I didn’t vote for this maroon… ”

1. Not at all. Give up and just watch Pinky and the Brain instead.

Ahhh! I think I’ve found my solution! I could live with The Brain as prez, and Pinky’s at least an order of magnitude more intelligent than Joe “I-never-had-a-thought-of-my-own Bigmouth” Biden. At least Pinky and The Brain hold out some hope for tomorrow…

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Blog @, Leaning Straight Up, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Quick Tip

Sure, you keep all your software licenses safely filed in hardcopy in a filing cabinet or box, but if you need to reinstall software, it can be a real pain digging ’em out and typing the silly things in. At least half of the software you have that requires a typed-in license code will take it all in one text block, instead of requiring the silly and laborious type-n-tab-n-type-n… etc., that darned near every Messy$oft product now requires, so having a text file (saved on the computer AND backed up to external media) can be a real hassle reducer.

But what if it’s just a few pieces like that and you don’t want to even dig around for a text file and search through it, etc.?

I “triple up” and every time I get an email verification of software purchase (I purchase almost all software that I do buy over the internet; don’t you?), I will save that email–if it has a license code–in a folder that’s ONLY for those emails or “Edit as new” and insert any license, SAVE and then move it from Drafts to the folder designated for software licenses. That way, I don’t even have to open a file browser or browse through to my licenses folder on my hard drive with a text editor to open and view the license for a reinstallation, because my email client is ALWAYS open on one of my desktops (CTRL-ALT-ARROW KEY to proper desktop, if necessary, CLICK on licenses folder in email client, click on software license email and copy the license.) Lil bitty time saver/hassle reducer. Nothing big, but sure has been handy for me

Oh, and in case of a system crash? Have hard copy filed away and backed up text file (after all, what’s the good of being ABLE to back up all my data in case of emergency if I don’t do it? And email backups in the case of Thunderbird are muuuuch easier to do and easier to reimport on a new installthan on Outlook or Outlook Express.)

Oh, backups? I know what software I have installed (and have backups of installation files for purchased software) and reinstallation of Ubuntu and my other software is moderately fast n easy, almost trivial, so data only. Less time and media taken in backups, as safe as houses. I may move to a NAS solution to backups, soon, as Seagate terabyte drives are becoming almost commodity-priced (and Seagate’s year warranty is unsurpassed in the field) and NAS-enabled external cases are also becoming inexpensive and widely available. For around $150, a 1TB NAS? Doable. And it’d be a nice, easy way to externalize one form of backup (I’d still want optical media stored in fireproof safe and hardcopy where appropriate as well). And at least as inexpensive up front–and less expensive in power consumption–as adding a decent SATA interface to an old computer and plopping in a big drive. Besides: small case for single purpose over big case for single purpose. Almost no-brainer, eh?

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“Look on my works ye mighty… “

For those of y’all who may have missed this, see January 11th’s Day by Day cartoon.

And for those of y’all whose pubschool experience didn’t include efforts at cultural literacy, read below the fold after viewing the cartoon.

Trackposted to Nuke’s, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Allie is Wired, Political Byline, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Wingless, and Wingless (BBC Parody, Hilarious!), thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Continue reading ““Look on my works ye mighty… “”

Repost of “Address to a Haggis”

Since Perri Nelson shared his Robbie Burns night experience, complete with a mini haggis review, here’s my approach to a mock haggis, reprised from May of 2005:

Be sure to stick around for the Burns’ paean to haggis at the foot of this recipe… I stole this recipe from ABC/Queensland (although the basic “mock haggis” recipe is an old one and is also all over the web) and liberally applied my own sense of taste to it. YMMV. See the VARIATION (on my already varied) note later, as well. The crock pot cooking gets moderately close to real haggis boiled in a sheep’s stomach.  Of course, around here, in America’s Third World CountyTM, getting sheep’s stomach and tripe or indeed, any mutton-related products just ain’t gonna happen. And most folks just aren’t going to make real haggis, “… since haggis is made from the stomach, lungs and other internals of a sheep [and] is rather a gruesome sight during certain stages of its cooking, as anyone who has witnessed the process will agree. “The lung must first be heated in a pan of hot water with the trachea hanging over the side so as to allow any blood and froth to escape and the stomach bag must be cleaned and scraped and washed very thoroughly before it is used.” (link here) Not something the typical cook (or this lazy cook) is likely to mess with, except for very special ocassions (say, a Robbie Burns Day).Crock Pot Mock Haggis

(liberally adapted from the above link)

1/2 lb calf liver (You could use beef liver, but it’s gonna taste like…  beef liver.  And you thought I was going to say something else! heh)
1/2 lb minced or shredded beef.  (Minced is better, but whatever.)
1 large egg (very optional: yields a firmer texture)
2 med. sized yellow (sweet) onions
Approx. 1 cup of water reserved from boiling the liver
6 oz rolled oatmeal
4 oz shredded suet (use beef fat, trimmed from your minced or shredded beef)
1/4 tsp freshly grated nutmeg (or more if not freshly grated) NOTE: less nutmeg and a dash or two of “Chinese Five Spice” is good, too.
1/2 to 1 tsp of cayenne pepper (or dried, crushed and powdered ripe red serano or habañero! Yum!)
freshly ground pepper to taste
1 tsp salt (I prefer non-iodized, Kosher salt)

Preparation: Boil the liver for five minutes. Drain and put aside to cool. Toast the oatmeal in a dry frying pan or in the oven until it begins to turn a pale brown. (It’s a small amount. A small toaster oven or countertop convection oven does a great job.) Mince the onions; mince the liver, if you don’t they’ll not forgive yer… (Wait. Nothing like haggis at Burger King.) Mix all the ingredients together with the seasoning and stir in some of the water the liver was boiled in. (Do NOT critique my use of preposition position.)

The mixture should be thoroughly moist but not wet. Lightly grease/oil your crock pot, dump in the mess and leave it on Low all day (or all night). Note: If your minced beef/liver mixture looks too fatty then cut down the amount of suet. (No snarky remarks to the beef. It’s too late for the cow to diet, now.) The traditional way to serve haggis is with mashed potatoes and turnips and Scottish tradition calls for a glass of “uisge beatha.”. (Yeh, you whiskey drinkers know what that is… ) You can also chill the mock haggis in the fridge and then slice it and heat it through in a frying pan until it’s browned on both sides. With eggs: Breakfast!. (Or any other meal you want.)

Mashed Turnips and Potatoes (slightly adapted from the Food Network version.)
6 large red new potatoes, skin on
2 large turnips, peeled
1/2 cup cream, heated
8 tablespoons (1 stick) butter, melted
1/2 cup sour cream
salt and freshly ground pepper
a small bunch of parsley, minced

You can, of course, adjust the amounts proportionally.  With just two at home, the amount above may call for “creative” leftover use. (“You think Xxxx’s dog’d like a bit of this?”)

VARIATION: This is what I made, tonight.  Cooked the (smaller amount than listed above: actually about a third) turnips and taters in the same crock pot with the mock haggis. Washed (not washed and peeled) the potatoes and carrots. (I did peel the turnip. “Chunked” (about 1.5″ cubes) the turnip and potatoes. Cut a pound of carrots into large pieces.  Placed turnips, potatoes and carrots on the bottom of the crock pot, added a little less than a cup of water and the mock haggis mix on top.  Topped with more potatoes. When serving this, you have the option of mashing the turnips and potatoes, as above, or just serving the hefty chunks with the haggis. It’s a tasty  (and EASY) variation. Another plus? the added water around the taters n turnips “steamed” the mock haggis a little bit more. 

Bonus tip: a wee tad of water poured gently around the lip of the crock pot lid helps it “seal” early, giving a little better approximation of boiled/steamed haggis. Still just an approximation.  Not real haggis, of course. More variation: Cube the potatoes and turnips into 1″ cubes. Cook in boiling water for 15 minutes or until fork-tender. Drain. Whip unpeeled cooked potatoes and turnips with electric mixer, or mash with your grandma’s potato masher (my preference), mixing until moderately smooth (I like some lumps). Add hot cream, butter, and sour cream. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Add parsley and whip again until blended. Adjust thickness by adding more cream, if desired. Yeh, modify at will.  I certainly don’t make the Mashed Turnips/Potatoes exactly as noted. Yogurt for the cream, for example (I like the bite.  BTW, do you know how to tell when yogurt is spoiled?  Good, then tell me, cos I always thought yogurt was just spoiled milk…  ), and olive oil for most of the butter (what can I say? “We likes the oil of virgin olives, oh, yes we does.” :-).

Address To A Haggis
by Robert Burns

Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face,
Great chieftain o’ the puddin-race!
Aboon them a’ ye tak your place,
Painch, tripe, or thairm:
Weel are ye wordy of a grace
As lang’s my arm.

The groaning trencher there ye fill,
Your hurdies like a distant hill,
Your pin wad help to mend a mill
In time o’ need,
While thro’ your pores the dews distil
Like amber bead.

His knife see rustic Labour dight,
An’ cut ye up wi’ ready slight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright
Like onie ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm-reekin, rich!

Then, horn for horn, they strech an’ strive:
Deil tak the hindmost! on they drive,
Till a’ their weel-swall’d kytes belyve,
Are bent like drums;
Then auld Guidman, maist like to rive,
‘Bethankit!’ hums.

Is there that owre his French ragout
Or olio that wad staw a sow,
Or fricassee wad mak her spew
Wi’ perfect sconner,
Looks down wi’ sneering, scornfu’ view
On sic a dinner?

Poor devil! see him owre his trash,
As feckless as a wither’d rash,
His spindle shank, a guid whip-lash,
His nieve a nit;
Thro’ bluidy flood or field to dash,
O how unfit!

But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed,
The trembling earth resounds his tread.
Clap in his walie nieve a blade,
He’ll make it whissle;
An’ legs, an’ arms, an’ heads will sned,
Like taps o’ thrissle.

Ye Pow’rs wha mak mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill o ‘fare,
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware
That jaups in luggies;
But, if ye wish her gratefu’ prayer,
Gie her a Haggis!

A Few of My Favorite Things… (3)

Well, although I’ve still not had updates utterly fail, as some Win2K and WinXP updates have done, when I came to this computer this a.m., I didcovered 291 updates waiting. Not all that unexpected, really, after an upgrade, but…

No, the updates didn’t fail, but some needed interaction with me and… popped the request for my input UNDER the update window, so it looked as if the updates were stalled but I had no information as to why… until I alt-tabbed to see what else might be going on. Come on, folks! Pop the message up ON TOP of the upgrade window! It’s a small and very simple thing, but one that I believe would be more than a little helpful. (Off to the Ubuntu forums to air this gripe… )

In the long run, I believe it will be the little things that will make or break Ubuntu, and not just for me but for the millions of folks Mark Shuttleworth wants to impact with this distro.

Just Stop It!

Conversation with Son&Heir. I mentioned the “symbolic links” to Lincoln Obama is attempting to insert into his innauguration (Yeh, yeh, so he traveled a part of the same rail route Lincoln traveled to his innauguration and… and… BSD–big stinking deal), and he injected what more than a few have suggested in the last few weeks that they fear: the fear that Obama may emulate Lincoln in more ways than just the symbolic, throwing the country into a chaotic race riot…

Just stop it folks! Giving voice to those kinds of thoughts gives them more life than they deserve. Concentrate instead on doing whatever you can to preven The Obamassiah emulating and epanding on Mr. Lincoln’s very successful attack on the Constitution. We do NOT need more and more and more of Mr. Lincoln’s preferred (All-)Powerful Central Government!

Tightwad Luxury

My Wonder Woman and I have been sleeping on 400 thread count cotton for a while now and liking it, thankyouverymuch, but we plan on changing out the bed in one of the bedrooms from a “full” size to a queen (the size we share) and knew we’d need to add to our linens then, too, sooo…

When we dropped by our local lil “seconds, remainders and ‘fell off the truck'” store today and saw a 4-[iece set of 600 thread count pima queen sized bed linens for sale at about $30 less than what WallyWorld sells its “Made by slave labor in China” 400 thread count sets for, it was a natural: fit an upcoming need and dirt cheap for very good quality–will even fit the mattress upgrade we plan for this summer for our bed.

I’m headed off for an afternoon nap on some luxurious linens. Don’t bother to drop by or call. I’ll be zoned.
