The 10 Best Ways to Watch the Obama Inauguration Tomorrow

In order to suffer as little brain damage as possible during tomorrow’s Obamassiah “I love me and so should you” fest, one should watch the orgy

10. After having ones head bashed in by an Obamaniac for noting “inconsistencies” (lies, obfuscations and “look over there’s”) in The One’s public pronouncements.

9. While under total anesthesia

8. While dead drunk

7. After a few (or more) hits of “Acapulco Gold” saved from the 70s (it may no longer be any good, but at least you can blame what you see on the possible presence of hallucinogens in your system)

6. After poking ones eyes out with a sharp stick

5. And ones ears out as well

4. From somewhere orbiting out around Uranus, while hunting for the Mothership that dictates the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind’s every bloviation.

3. While circulating a petition to amend the Constitution to allow [edit]encourage [edit] require citizens to dunk D.C. politicians *spit* into the Potomoc until we are rid of them (see: keep busy doing Good Works and you’ll not have time to be harmed by the toxic cotton candy of the inauguration coverage!).

2. Chant to oneself over and over again, “At least I didn’t vote for this maroon… ”

1. Not at all. Give up and just watch Pinky and the Brain instead.

Ahhh! I think I’ve found my solution! I could live with The Brain as prez, and Pinky’s at least an order of magnitude more intelligent than Joe “I-never-had-a-thought-of-my-own Bigmouth” Biden. At least Pinky and The Brain hold out some hope for tomorrow…

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Blog @, Leaning Straight Up, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

6 Replies to “The 10 Best Ways to Watch the Obama Inauguration Tomorrow”

  1. I prefer option 9, 8, or 1. Most likely I’ll opt for number 1, because if I don’t I’ll be experiencing option 10. Of course option 3 would be a fun way to avoid the thing altogether.

  2. Well, I may just opt for number “0” and pull a Rip Van Winkle through the next four years. “Nap! I need my nap!”Heck, “life” as a corpsicle might beat having my prayers for patience answered with such tribulation… *heh*

    FORTUNATELY, I have a full plate of “to dos” for tomorrow, now, that will extend far into the evening, taking me to my nightly wrestling match with Ye Olde Wracke Monstere, with a brief time out to watch–I hope–“Leverage: Stealing the Country Back from the Obamaniacs” *heh* I might just manage to miss the entire thing.

  3. Ha to #8!

    Also calling him “The One” makes me wonder if he believes he’s The One. Should I start calling him Neo? Red pill or blue pill? Okay too much Matrix- it only makes me think of Keanu Reeves (shudder).

  4. If 5&6 couldn’t be to the pain, cos he’d need his ears, though we’d not need ours. 7? “To the blind spaced-outedness”?

    I’m sooooo confused…

    Neo? No, Nemo: Lost Again. (Hopefully beyond finding… )

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