The Road Ahead, 1.5

In line with the other “Road Ahead, volume 1” posts, here’s a suggestion: you have (or have access to) a computer or you’d not be reading this. If you’re not already using some sort of personal finance software to budget and plan for the future, get off your a$$… ets and Just Do It. Here are three tightwad-satisfying, cross-platform suggestions (there are certainly others, but these have strong followings):


Gnu Cash

Home Bank

Free software to manage your personal finances. Words to warm the cockles of any tightwad’s heart.

(Addendum: For those who may read this but who have only access to someone else’s computer, not one of their own, Gnu Cash is available in a portable version one can carry on a USB flash drive and use on almost any computer that has available USB ports. Two other portable money management softwares are available at the linked site as well.)

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2009 Resolution-Per-Day #5

I do hereby resolve to try to find something good to say about politicians *spit* this year. It’s so easy (“like breathing out and breathing in”) to find things to say about politicians *spit* that are not good that searching for the needle (good) in the haystack (bad) is a chore to make Sisyphus cringe, daunt Hercules and make Diogenes’ search for an honest man look like a walk in the park, but I do resolve to try.

I do not resolve to try to find something good to say about government bureaucraps. That’d just be silly.

“I’m from the government; I’m here to help.” *shudder* Suuuuure you are. (*mhwa* you are)