2009 Resolution-Per-Day #2

No more Mr. Lardass. Five years ago, by virtue simply of adding 150 caloies of purposeful food and briskly walking one mile to one-and-a-half mile per day, I lost 35 pounds. Briefly 40 pounds. Felt tons better. Slept better, had more energy, etc.

Then, I let it slack off. 20 pounds back and feel like a sack of… well, you get the idea.

So, a mile a day and 110 calories of the same “energy bar” (same food, just different formulation) as my breakfast for the foreseeable future. “But, it’s winter!” Who cares? Was summer and sweltering the last time I dragged these bones out every single day to briskly walk a measly mile. If it’s too tough (tough?!?) I can always stroll, able, loiter the mile at first. *heh*

I (or my heirs–*LOL*) will let you know how it goes.