A Few of My Favorite Things… (2)

…about Ubuntu

/sarcasm on

I just looooove the upgrade functionality!

/sarcasm off


Besides the “breaking” of various configuration files that happens almost routinely whenever an upDATE occurs (though less and less in recent months), that’s NOTHING compared to an upGRADE from 8.04 to 8.10.

Killed my nVidia graphics drivers. Dead, dead, dead. Not only were the drivers for my nVidia GeForce 6100 gone, but the config file for my monitor had been consigned to the bit bucket as well. No listing for it in 8.10, where 8.04 (lately updated, granted) had a config file for my monitor. Try 800X600 resolution on a monitor with a native 1680X1050 resolution. *yech*

Soooo. in HUGE MODE, nav’ed to Terminal and used apt-get to REINSTALL the lame-o drivers for nVidia that Ub untu reluctantly makes available. Used them to get a sensible display resolution set. THEN I could actually get to the Synaptics Package Manager to easily reinstall EnvyNG (which downloads and installs much better drivers than Canonical does).

OK, a few hoops to jump through. Notaproblem, but would be for “Aunt Tilly” you know? (Of course, “Aunt Tilly” would probably not attempt upgrading from one version of the OS to another *heh*)

Still, not as bad as most version upgrades I’ve done on Windows computers, but still irksome. A “Favorite Thing”? Notsomuch.