Read This

Notsomuch this post as the one Beagle Scout points to which contains, among other things, this pointed question:

How did we have a bill, the EESA/TARP that obligated citizens to pay $700 billion in taxes that we do not have (that is, to put us all in debt by another $700 billion), that was opposed from 100:1 to 300:1 in calls, faxes and letters to Congress, was passed over those objections with an election less than a month away, and we the people then returned 90% of those who voted “Yes” and stood for re-election to office?

That’s right. Instead of “throwing the tea in the harbor” we sent the poisonous shi, urm, tea bags back to poison our government/society with their toxic bloviations made law.

Good catch, Beagle Scout. Now, y’all go read and remember:
