A Few of My Favorite Things… (2)

…about Ubuntu

/sarcasm on

I just looooove the upgrade functionality!

/sarcasm off


Besides the “breaking” of various configuration files that happens almost routinely whenever an upDATE occurs (though less and less in recent months), that’s NOTHING compared to an upGRADE from 8.04 to 8.10.

Killed my nVidia graphics drivers. Dead, dead, dead. Not only were the drivers for my nVidia GeForce 6100 gone, but the config file for my monitor had been consigned to the bit bucket as well. No listing for it in 8.10, where 8.04 (lately updated, granted) had a config file for my monitor. Try 800X600 resolution on a monitor with a native 1680X1050 resolution. *yech*

Soooo. in HUGE MODE, nav’ed to Terminal and used apt-get to REINSTALL the lame-o drivers for nVidia that Ub untu reluctantly makes available. Used them to get a sensible display resolution set. THEN I could actually get to the Synaptics Package Manager to easily reinstall EnvyNG (which downloads and installs much better drivers than Canonical does).

OK, a few hoops to jump through. Notaproblem, but would be for “Aunt Tilly” you know? (Of course, “Aunt Tilly” would probably not attempt upgrading from one version of the OS to another *heh*)

Still, not as bad as most version upgrades I’ve done on Windows computers, but still irksome. A “Favorite Thing”? Notsomuch.

Mexico in Turmoil?

Newsmax is a sensationalist purveyor of new slanted to appeal to pseudo conservatives, but ya know, even a blind pig and all that…

U.S. Military: Mexico Could Collapse Under Drug Violence

The article’s one of Newsmax’s more balanced screeds, and if its news content is reliable (and it appears to be–moreso than usual), my response is twofold:

Well, it’s about time!


How the U.S. should respond.

It’s about time that the kleptocratic kakistocracy that’s ruled Mexico for years reaps the whirlwind it’s sown. (Of course, I could say the same of our own “feddle gummint” *sigh*). Mexico has long been (rightly) said to be a pauper sitting on a gold mine, oppressed by thieves. It’s about time the thieves’ chickens come home to roost.

And how should the U.S. respond?

*Build the damned fence, already!

*Station sniper posts and machine gun nests along our southern border with ROE allowing “shoot to obliterate” any incursions not at legal entry points.

*Rigidly, harshly, enforce laws penalizing employers who hire illegal aliens. Place the burden of prrof that all employees are legal residents of the U.S. squarely on emploers’ shoulders and then a boot on the necks of those who fail to comply. Force illegals out of jobs.

*Kill ALL social services (save for legitimate medical emergecies) to illegal aliens.

Bye-bye Juan y Maria (if you be illegal).

*Streamline the process for LEGAL entry into this country, so that those who seek to obey our laws and respect our customs have a MUCH easier time finding LEGAL entry into our society.

The last cannot be stressed too much. Without providing a legitimate entry point, we cannot honorably close our borders to those who seek to abuse our hospitality. As it stands now, the process for legal entry actually favors terrorists* while placing roadblocks in the way of folks who’d be a net benefit to our society.

OK, will the U.S. do these sensible things? twc’s prediction: when pigs fly, hell freezes over and voters execise some common sense–none of which I expect to see in my lifetime.

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*Am I saying that easing requirements for visas for Saudis favors terrorists? Damn skippy I am! Iran and Saudi Arabia: the two biggest funders of international terrorism. Until the governments of those places SHUT DOWN the funding avenues for terrorism, they are both terrorist governments, AFAIAC. And I do NOT accept the Saudis’ disingenuous protestations of compliance. *feh* As long as the Saudis allow the proclamation of violent jihad and citizens who actively engage in funding terrorists aren’t put to death there, I throw the bullshit flag on them all. The Saudis should have been the FIRST to experience the “shock and awe” of the full force of American military might. Period.

Blogeeky Traffic Stuff

Since I dropped TTLB, Technorati, a bunch of “you blogroll me, I’ll blogroll you” and other such links from my template, I have had a precipitous drop in traffic, now standing at 1/10 the traffic that was normal just a year ago.

So? Of course, I also have dropped from 1,000s of spam comments a day to deal with to somewhere in the low hundreds, as well. *heh*

Those who now visit and comment (interestingly, more via email than in the comments form. I wonder why, but I don’t ask. Because I don’t wonder why all that much–and some of the email comments are from RSS feeds, I notice, so that makes some sense) are of a generally higher caliber than at many times in the past (a notable exception on the previous post).

Still, in recent days, I’ve had visitors from all over the U.S. and Canada, and some from Venezuela, Chile, Ghana, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, India, Thailand, Australia, Japan and a whole lotta lumps from places in Europe (very interestingly NOT Russia).

Sadly, fewer easily mocked Moose-limb boyz are finding me nowadays via “Mohammed in a Pink Dress”. Oh, well. How fleeting is fame. *heh* It was fun while it lasted.

I seem to have returned to my blogging roots: simply blogging to mollify the voices in my head. And that’s a Good Thing, IMO.

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Political Byline, Democrat=Socialist, The World According to Carl, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Now That’s a Kick in the Pants!

Just read the linked article from Pravda, the once widely- and justly-despised propaganda organ of the Soviet Union. Would that such levelheaded reportage would make a bigger spash in American Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind “pravda” (in the older, Soviet sense) papers and the like. Heck, with diseased “news” organs like the New York Times still thumping the lame Anthropogenic Global Warming/Changeism drum, we have to turn to Pravda for news!

Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age

*heh* Must be the fault of anthropogenic global warming/changeism.

Weblog Awards and Other Stuff

I only partake in such as friends or blogs I appreciate are nominated (heck, I’ve even scrubbed technorati and TTLB from twc). Angel’s a participant(go on, y’all, give her some votes, ‘K?), and I’ve tried to faithfully, daily vote for her (sorry for a coupla misses, gal). Another worthy nominee, in the category of Best Comic Strip, is Medium-Large, and here’s one reason why:


And here’s another (h.t. Lovely Daughter):

Good stuff, Maynard.

Oh, OK, since I said it, I may as well post the thing. Some of y’all are old enough that this pretty much passed you by, unless your children mentioned it to you (I never saw it when it aired–was too busy working, but it percolated into my set of 80s memes anyway).

A Few of My Favorite Things… (1)

…about Ubuntu 8.04.

Ripping media. Need to archive a DVD? Right-click, Rip. Need to archive a CD/convert wav to mp3 for portability, etc.? Right-click>open (I select one of two apps, usually Rhythmbox)>Add to Library. I’ve set my preference to mp3 with a decent bit level–128, only because with the tiny earbuds of an mp3 player, it’s difficult to tell the difference, especially given where I use my player: mowing the lawn, driving, etc.–so it automagically just does its thing,

Windows? Notsomuch. With all the DRM crap Microsoft insists on shackling folks with, and the fact that most folks just use “what came on the computer” I don’t know how many folks I’ve had come to me with complaints about Windows Media Player ripping their CDs into DRM-“protected” formats they can’t use anywhere else (at least not easily). WMAs? Hate ’em. WVMs? Ditto. Oh, there are ways to make WMP play more nicely, and there are even some nice lil freebie apps to convert those nasty WMA files to mp3s, but in a native Ubuntu session, I don’t have to mess with any of that.

One thing that’s easier, more friendly, just plain nicer about Ubuntu.

One Reason Why We Have a Crappy Federal Government

Crappy voters. Seriously. Perri Nelson referred recently to an online civics quiz that’s simply an online form of the quiz given to a random sampling of Americans last Spring. Here’s the report card:


Now, folks, having taken the quiz myself and having scored considerably better than the average, I’m prepared to say that the ONLY reasons for any citizens of these (dis)United States to fail this lil quiz are laziness, wilfull stupidity or both. Seriously. And the fact that,

Among the 2,508 respondents, 164 say they have been elected to a government office at least once. This sub-sample of officeholders yields a startling result: elected officials score lower than the general public. Those who have held elective office earn an average score of 44% on the civic literacy test, which is five percentage points lower than the average score of 49% for those who have never been elected... 1[emphasis added]

…leads me to assert that holders of political office who can’t do better than that should be put out of our misery forever. But that can only be accomplished by voters who know which end of a boot to pour piss out of… and even then they’d probably have to buy a clue to know they’d wet themselves, given the performance on this lil survey, and given the economy nowadays, I doubt any of ’em would spend the money on a cluebat to hit themselves over the head with.

(Am I livid? Absolutely. NO ONE who fails such a simple exam ought to be let within a mile of a voting booth, let alone be allowed to “serve” as an elected [addendum: or even UNelected] official in ANY capacity.)

Look, people, it’s just a silly little multiple choice quiz that’s not even as detailed as a citizenship exam for someone from another country seeking citizenship in this country, and yet 71% of the survey participants couldn’t pass the thing even with an extremely lenient 60% passing grade!

*feh* If that’s all Americans know about their own country then we deserve to be tossed in the ash heap of history. “It was a noble experiment, but The People proved they didn’t deserve the liberties generations of their forefathers bled and died to give them. Tough. Next?”

Lazy-assed bums. Don’t tell me the education system failed them. The “education system” sucks dead bunnies through a straw, slowly, laboriously and poorly, but only lazy-assed bums would be satisfied to KNOW NOTHING about their country’s history and forms of civil government, or worse, be satisfied with the horse manure illiterate boobs who “teach” civics and history in our schools dump in the black holes that are their vacuous heads.

And historical literacy in more than just American history and government is critical for voters nowadays given the outright lies of Mass Media Podpeople and politicians on issues of importance. One of the most serious issues facing our society today is the attempt to wreck (even further) our economy and way of life via the lie of anthropogenic global warming/climate change. One of the central arguments of the warmists/changists is made by Michael Mann’s “hockey stick” graph showing the latter 20th Century to be the warmest period in more than a thousand years. Heck, simple historical literacy is all it would take to have Mann and his ilk run out of town on a rail (after a good tarring and feathering)–no need for elaborate mathematical analyses proving Mann cooked the books (although that has been done). Why? Just ask Mann and his disciples why, if the latter part of the 20th Century was the hottest in 1,000 years, didn’t Greenland have as big a net export of dairy products then as it did during the Medieval Climate Optimum from 800-1300 AD, when temperatures were higher than at ANY time during the 20th Century? (Apparently, Mann just couldn’t be bothered to do his homework–or else his math skills are considerably worse than one might imagine. 20th Century-14th Century is 600 years, Mike, not 1,000.)

OK, maybe even if folks knew that Leif Erikson Erik the Red (that’s a persistent braine pharte of mine) didn’t scam folks into moving to a bitterly cold Greenland (because it really WAS warm and green–dairy exports, remember? From farms that are NOW under glacial ice… ) that wouldn’t have helped combat Mann’s lies. They’d have to be numerate enough to be able to do simple subtraction.

So, yes, either we begin telling the illiterate boobs that are our fellow voters that they ARE illiterate boobs (and then do everything in our power to convert them to minimal historical literacy) or we will fall as a nation.

Note well the quote in the header of this blog:

“In a democracy (”rule by mob”), those who refuse to learn from history are in the majority and dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.”-third world county’s corollary to Santayana’s Axiom

That’s just one of the reasons that, historically, democracies fail (and one of the reasons the Founders designed our federal government to NOT be a democracy!). As this country regresses ever more steadily into democratic rule, we begin to see the results of democraticization (mob rule): illiterate, lazy-assed boobs decide how the country will go.

Down the toilet.

Trackposted to Nuke’s, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, The Pink Flamingo, Woman Honor Thyself, Democrat=Socialist, Adam’s Blog, Right Voices, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Windows 7 Beta

Well, I never did get around to installing the UNofficial Windows 7 beta (really offically late alpha) in a VM. Now, I need to reinstall VMWare Server, after a kernel update seems to have fried things (oh, the joys of “almost ready for Aunt Tilly” Ubuntu). Why? Well, because I need my WInXP, Win2K, Win98 and various other ‘nix-flavored “computers” running in VMs and because… I just downloaded the official Windows 7 Beta from Microsoft, and it’s only good through August (although I hear rumors there’s a way to kil the kill switch, I will NOT be attempting any such thing).

I did get a few of “page not loading” errors before I finally managed to get MS to cough up the download. Slow. Took 1.5 hours for the measly 3.15GB. *heh* And that’s another thing that kinda surprised me. I waited until tonight to download it. Microsoft announced that only 2.5 million downloads of the beta were being offered. Where was the demand?

Of course, I do NOT want to put it on a machine we’d need for daily use here at twc central, because Microsoft is waffling (so what else is new?) on its official release date for Windows 7 and because, well, it is beta software. Well, you can hardly blame ’em after the (well-earned) beating Microsoft has taken for Vista. (I’m still pulling out hair I can ill-afford to lose over Vista’s finicky networking. You try to get 64-bit Vista talking with 64-bit XP. The Microsoft Link-Layer Topology Discovery Responder patch that does an OK job making 32-bit XP computers visible to Vista computers is… 32-bit, and–so far–does NOT do the job with 64-bit XP computers I’ve tried it with [naturally] as the only “nearly-MS-approved” method, since a 64-bit version of the patch seems to be AWOL. Thanks, Microsoft. Yeh, yeh, I’ve downloaded the source code from Microsoft to build it for “other operating systems”, but… .)

Well, maybe I ought to just slap another compy together and see if the system requirements listed (1Ghz processor, 1GB RAM, etc.) by Microsoft will really run Windows 7. (My bet is NOT. MS consistently understates basic requirements, enticing folks who shouldn’t attempt to load an OS to do so, but maybe the zebra can change his stripes. And yes, I mangled the old metaphor because it sometimes seems that shrink wrap betas, bait and switches and other increasingly prevalent MS tactics shopuld deserve some stripes, at times. *heh*)

Anywho, I have through August to test this out, so I may just put it on the back burner for a while and concentrate on more pressing tasks around here. Yeh, that’s probably a Good Idea, what with all those Resolutions staring me in the face every day. 🙂

Note: Downloading the Win7 Beta requires having either Silverlight installed on your Windows box or Moonlight, an open source implementation of Microsoft Silverlight for Unix systems on your ‘nix box. Using Moonlight was not a happy-making thing on my Ubuntu box, and since I prefer burning ISOs outside VMs anyway (“anyway” because I need to reinstall VMWare Server, you recall), I used a 32-bit WinXP system to download and burn the 64-bit Win7 beta. But. Methought to meself, “Self, better d/l the 32-bit as well,” so went through that super-frustrating experience on my Ubuntu box using Moonlight. Succeeded, but not w/o losing some more hair…

That said and done, here are some direct download links that may work. No promises, and do scan these downloads for malware as you would ANY download.

32-bit Windows 7 Beta direct link

64-bit Windows 7 Beta direct link

Note also that you must visit the Silverlight disenabled Microsoft site to obtain your product key. Oh, you also have to have a Microsoft Live ID. Use a throwaway email address for that, if you wish.

Oh, and (another tagalong) Why Windows 7? The version number Windows 7 calls itself by is Windows version 6.1 (Vista was 6.0). An explanation at the Windows Vista Blog gives some reasons, and if you believe all that jazz, I have some nice bottom land I’d like to sell you (only I’d rather not mention just what it’s on the bottom of).

Read This

Notsomuch this post as the one Beagle Scout points to which contains, among other things, this pointed question:

How did we have a bill, the EESA/TARP that obligated citizens to pay $700 billion in taxes that we do not have (that is, to put us all in debt by another $700 billion), that was opposed from 100:1 to 300:1 in calls, faxes and letters to Congress, was passed over those objections with an election less than a month away, and we the people then returned 90% of those who voted “Yes” and stood for re-election to office?

That’s right. Instead of “throwing the tea in the harbor” we sent the poisonous shi, urm, tea bags back to poison our government/society with their toxic bloviations made law.

Good catch, Beagle Scout. Now, y’all go read and remember:


2009 Resolution-Per-Day #7

Add two practice days on my horn. Used to play more instruments, but now only one. Used to play regularly; now only practice some. As it is, not really enough to keep my lip in shape to really play, although I guess I could if I had to. Add two days/week regularly. Lip in good enough shape, I could always serenade the dogs.

OK, that’s enough. A week of resolutions is more than I’ve written down in a decade. I’ll just work on these for a while.