Professional Courtesy

Another from Jerry Pournelle’s site:

Asked why the Army didn’t go in to New Orleans earlier, one retired sergeant said “Well, the purpose of the army is to break things and kill people, and Katrina had already done that. Professional Courtesy.”



Carnival at Curmudgeonry!

Joanna, at Curmudgeonry, is serving up the 56th Carnival of the Recipes.  

She’s organized the bounty in several sensible categories. From a quick glance, my Fried Okra (yeh, I checked the recipe against  Mother’s—heh) is just about the simplest.  I checked out Christine’s Tea Party Sandwiches earlier this week, and man, are they ever something that’ll make staples around here! CaltechGirl’s Easiest Stuffed Peppers Ever look like something right up my alley, too.

Check it all out at the  56th Carnival of the Recipes.

BlameBush #1,372,903

Here’s some tongue-in-cheek snark from Jerry Pournelle in Studio City (L.A.), CA:

“The contractors putting in new storm drains managed to nick the water mains, and we have no water. We have had no water for over an hour. I blame President Bush for not responding to this disaster, and I am writing a letter to the Times.” –Jerry Pournelle

As J.E.P. said long before Instapundit attempted to trademark the expression, heh.

Try a visit to The Original Blog

Batting Katrina cleanup—J.E.P. wields a mean cluebat

A thought-provoking rant…

Re: New Orleans.  Of course, off-the-cuff comments by Dr. Pournelle are (quite!) often more thought-provoking than the senseless babble of blow-dried Mass Media Podpeople. D’oh.

“…What we OUGHT to be doing is helping property owners get back in to take care of their property; we OUGHT to be bringing in logistic support. We OUGHT to be acting like a Republic of responsible self-governing citizens rather than a unified welfare state that dictates to its population… ”

Sweeping the Constitutional republic out to sea… Just more Katrina refuse.

Killing for Green

Check Cao’s Blog for New Orleans: A Case of Green Genocide

(I’m getting Katrina’d out, folks.)

Of course, we know it’s not really genocide (yet). It’s merely “civicide”—the killing of a city, not an entire people.  But the point is clear: Greens value their view of what is “natural” over human life. Give ‘em enough rope: their goal seems to be the eventual eradication of human life, so that in the end, only “their kind” is left to appreciate “nature”. (Yeh, I did just imply that Greens aren’t human. Make of it what you will.)

It never seems to occur to greenies that human beings are a part of nature and that what we do is very natural, for humans. Yep. We can be destructive. But, as Katrina and other natural disasters prove time and again, so can other natural phenomena. We can be creative and protective too.  So can other natural events indicate some sort of creative direction and preservation at work.

I really hate to state the obvious, but here it is: Greens are self-made idiots. Very destructive, dangerous self-made idiots, as the New Orleans disaster demonstrates. (Of course, they had a great deal of help from lazy, stupid politicians and lazy, stupid Big Easy inhabitants. But that’s only natural.)

“Using a secure, standards-compliant browser? Go away.”—FEMA

(Yeh, so I interpreted the FEMA site statement to remove the doubletalk. So?)

“FEMA site requires assistance seekers to use Internet Explorer 6”

“The good news: If you’ve survived Hurricane Katrina, the government will let you register for help online. The bad news: But only if the computer you’re using is running Windows.”

So, if you’re using a secure, modern, standards-compliant browser, and need to register for disaster relief with FEMA, its website won’t let you. Actually, that’s not so strange. A feeb agency that’s supposed to deal with emergency/disaster relief requires that people use a disaster-prone browser. I makes sense, in a lame, idiotic sort of way.

“We’re from the government; we’re here to help.”


“All they will call you will be…. detainee”

(Minor apologies for the ripoff and mod of the hook in Woody Guthrie’s “Deportee”)

About the disturbing story linked here recounting the FEMA use of the Falls Creek Baptist Assembly “campgrounds” (outside Davis, Oklahoma) for Katrina refugees.  I cannot (yet) verify the narrative, but the pics are all legit, all definitely Falls Creek, all legit OHP vehicles, etc. And the volunteering of the facilities is a fact.

I have some emails out to folks in Oklahoma who may be able to discover more locally.

The most frightening sentences in the English language may well be, “We’re from the government. We’re here to help.”

h.t. Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor Mail

Minor Update: Corrected the typo in “Davis, OK”. As I said: no confirmation or refutation, yet. Some conflicting emails returned to my inquiries (some didn’t read the question and returned confused repplies). Some churches have planned to take donations down to Falls Creek (it’s always “down to Falls Creek” no matter where one is in the state, it seems 🙂 this weekend—perhaps even today—somaybe I’ll have something definitive by then. My suspicion is that perhaps there are some FEMA folks there throwing their weight around, as petty bureaucrats are wont to do, but that the OWNERS of that property will likely dig their heels in pretty hard if not allowed to serve the folks they have donated their cabins to. Remember: these are Baptists we’re talking about. heh.