Fried Okra

Whether if was Mother’s fried okra or Me-Ma’s, summer was the time for this special treat

Fried Okra

about a pound of okra
2 eggs
1/4 cup milk or buttermilk (if using milk, make fake buttermilk by putting a tablespoon of vinegar in the measuring cup before measuring out the milk—often, Mother just used milk, cos that’s what was on hand)
~1 cup all-purpose flour (See note)
~1 cup cornmeal  (See note)
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground pepper (A dash or three of cayenne makes a nice variation with a tad more zip)
Vegetable oil

(Note: the flour/cornmeal ratio can be skewed either way by about 1/4 cup to your taste. (Me-Ma’s fried okra seemed to have more flour than Mother’s—or maybe it just depended on what was in the pantry 🙂

Wash and slice the okra. Dry it with (paper) towels.
Mix the eggs and buttermilk, then add the sliced okra, and let the mess stand for a while. (7-10 minutes, while the pan’s heating.)
Mix the flour, cornmeal, baking powder, salt and pepper separately.
Drain the okra, a tad at a time, using a slotted spoon or small seive.
Coat the okra in the flour mixture a bit at a time. (One method: large plastic zip lock bag, flour mixture, some okra, shake. Don’t knock it.  It works.)
While the okra’s soaking in the egg/milk mixture, heat your cast iron skillet to medium high heat. Pour about 2 to 3-inches of oil in just a lil bit before you need to start the okra cooking. (Medium high heat, for all the anal-retentives out there, is about 350 fahrenheit). Fry the okra until it’s golden brown. Drain it and serve it while its hot.

The recipe I adapted this from said it’d feed four.  Yeh, right.  Once ya taste it, it won’t go so far.  Folk’ll put down the fried chicken for this stuff. Make more.

Curmudgeon’s Corner Day

I ran across this comment in a piece by Douglas Wilson, “Don’t Believe So,” and thought that, while certainly right as rain just as stated, it also seem appropriate (with a few minor word changes) if applied to politicians who claim to be conservatives, but who always play by the liberalists’ rules.

“The desire of evangelicals to be relevant, engaged with culture, kind and gracious, approachable, and so on, is a desire (in the abstract) that can be applauded by all right-minded Christians. But this desire, even in the early stages, was six inches too far to the west. And this is why the evangelical establishment, particularly the evangelical establishment as now represented by its flagship colleges and publications, is completely adrift. Because they care about engaging with a culture that doesn’t care about engaging with them back, the pressure is on to compromise over and over, again and again. Maybe this next sellout will get the world’s attention.”

This fits rather neatly with the profound truth expressed by R.L Dabney in the 19th Century when he said,

“American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward to perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It tends to risk nothing serious for the sake of truth.”

I really do wish we had a genuine two-party political system, instead of one party of “progressives” doing everything in their power to wreck the American experiment and another party of me-too-ers who simply (and ineffectually) say they want it otherwise.

I’ll still vote for whomever both says the right things and has a record of attempting to do the right things (however poorly and ineffectually), but oh! for a choice at the polls of neither haters of civilization nor “Men Without Chests.”


The Abolition of Man

Free Kerry’s 180

Jean Fraud sKerry  Sends Records to NOLA as Contribution to Relief Efforts

“I heard the Katrina victims were short of toilet paper, so I sent what I could,” said the Junior Liar from Taxachussetts.

(More—and slightly, OK a lot, more factual—Kerry-baiting at Cao’s Blog and others in the Free Kerry’s 180 Blogroll.)