“Pork, pork, pork, pork: a pirate’s life for me”—anonymous congresscritter

Aye, one o’ the hidden costs o’ pork barrel spendin’:

“[Senator Kit] Bond says that when he entered the Senate in 1987, Missouri received only 76 cents for every dollar sent in taxes. The new bill will provide 98 cents, and Bond will push for more. Full parity would return 100 cents expressed as a percentage of total funding; not as many actual dollars will be recycled because of inevitable costs of handling in Washington.”

Ahoy, in ither words, launderin’ money collected as highway taxes in Missouri through Washin’ton D.c. means that e’en if Missouri has e’ery dollar it collected for expenditure on highways “returned” it still loses, cos the real purpose o’ the Federal bureaucracy is full employment o’ Federal bureaucraps. Listen to th’ bureaucraps say, “Ye’ll ne’er get me buried booty!”

Aye, it seems t’ me that at the ‘ery least, those “handlin’ costs” could be eliminated by Not funnelin’ thin’s through the feds. Gar. Aye, surely e’en that little would have a beneficial effect when it came time for federal expenditures for thin’s like Katrina. (Aye, they might need t’ spend less cos more was already already at the state le’el, for one thin’. Aye, me parrot concurs— e’en parrots have the better o’ politicians, it seems.)

See GM Roper and Michelle Malkin Arrr, for more extensi’e presentations o’ how t’ handle pork better, and a call t’ identify pork in your own state so that you can contact your congresscritters and politely suggest that those funds be di’erted t’ Katrina relief. Aye.

Arrr, tis’ a good thin’ Me’d be thinkin’

Ahoy! Th’ friends o’ th’ jolly Third World Countyâ„¢. Gar.

Ahoy, talk like a pirate, all day long. Ye’ll ne’er get me buried booty!

Aye, let the trackbacks begin, gar!

Arrr, har’s one from Woody at Woody’s News and Views Aye.

Arrr, and har’s a new mate at Horizon Zero. Gar.

Aye, tis’ not piratical, but tis’ lootin’. Click o’er t’ Boudicca’s Voice t’ see what wasn’t worth lootin’ at Walmart. Gar, Where can I find a bottle o’rum?

Gar, and whate’er you do, be sure you don’t misst’ Pants Based Random Pirate Phrase Generator (PBRPPG) h.t. t’ th’ original “Talk Like a Pirate Day” pirate.

Aye, Christine o’ Mornin’ Coffee and Afternoon Tea chimes in with some pirate treats, gar! There’s me grog!

Kat, at Keep the Coffee Comin’, has the well-known (well, well-known t’ anyone who’s been t’ Disneyland or Disney World in the last 20+ years or so, Me imagine) Disney ‘ersion o’ Yo, Ho a Pirate’s Life for Me, up as her offerin’ for TLAP Day. Arrrr!

Arrr, Diane (at, uhm, Diane’s Stuff, o’ course) has her Talk Like A Pirate Day post up, includin’ a link t’ translate whole web pages int’ pirate-speak. (Gar, gimme my rum!)

Aye, well, although the posts themsel’es didna show due rev’rence t’ TLAPD, the comments sections for these posts get int’ the spirit at Dr. Phat Tony’s and at GM’s Corner

Yo Ho! And, o’ course, thar’s this post by The Dread Pirate Richard at Random Rambling (Aye, sorry it took so long t’ get the link up, bub. Gar, Where’d me bottle o’rum go agin? 🙂

Aye, trackback t’ this post (or any other “pirate” post) with yer own piratical fare, ‘n I’ll link ye up fore har. (Aaarrhhh, me parrot!) Fail t’ trackback ‘n ye’ll ne’er get me buried booty Arr.

Aye, ‘n for a little fun, me heartys, har’s a link t’ a pirate chantey for ye from Tom Smith:

“Talk Like a Pirate Day”

(Note: opens in a new window and plays with any properly-configured mp3 software.)

Keelhaul ’em!

[Introducing guest poster, Cap’n Ozark]

Capn Ozark


Scurvy dogs! Homeland Security gi’es a free pass t’ illegal aliens and is still snubbin’ Minutemen who seek t’ be good citizens and help protect our borders. Aye. Aye, click the links abo’e an’ below for more info on foreign outlaws gettin’ a pass from Homeland Security Aye.

Arrr, “Homeland Security”? Keelhaul ’em. They’re good for nothin’ but cabin boys on garbage scows, Me say. Aye, me parrot concurs.


(This has been a Piratical Productionâ„¢ for Guard the Borders)

Aye, and har’s the jolly crew o’ Guard the Borders A pence for an old man o’de sea?

Euphoric Reality**
TMH’s Bacon Bits**
Part-Time Pundit**
Social Sense
Cao’s Blog
Ogre's Politics and Views
In The Bullpen
Ravings of a Mad Tech
America Is Not A Pinata!
Kender’s Musings
Gribbit’s Word**
Team Swap**
Curley’s Corner

[Arrr, updated t’ include the blogroll for Guard the Borders Aye.]