Guard Our Borders!

Oh, man.


Today was one-a those days.  I even forgot the Guard Our Borders Blogburst.


The Maryhunter has some critical info here (and given the quality of my post here, it’s just as well he doesn’t have me listed in the “Borders Blogburst” blogroll. *profound sigh*). And he points to more at Michelle Malkin’s blog. (You can click through to TMH’s Bacon Bits for the Malkin link. He deserves the traffic for the fine post.)

And it’d be a good thing to check here as well:

Better next week.

‘Possum Grapes

Possum Grapes_04

The oldtimers around here tell me that these volunteer grapes known locally as “possum grapes” make good preserves and jellies.  It just takes a ton of these tiny things to make anything at all.  (Each of the grapes you see in this picture has about the diameter of a pencil eraser.)

Well, I think I’ll give it a whirl this year since the vines have totally covered most of our backyard’s chain link fence.  I like the cover.  The leaves are attractive, and the berries turn a beautiful color as they ripen. Tried one today that was nearly ripe, and it has plenty of “grape” to it… for a fruit that’s about half fruit and half seed.  We’ll see how it all comes out. Anyone with “possum grape jelly” recipes for me to compare to some oldtimers’ suggestions, leave ‘em in comments.

Miracles never cease

Captain Ed recounts a miraculous tale

Months ago I stopped visiting or linking to Captain’s Quarters, not because of the content but because at the time he’d done something to his blog that prevented it being viewed properly in any browser but Internet Exploder (BTW, views fine in other browsers now).  I’m sure I missed lotsa good stuff, but then again… not. (Everyone else clips him, so… )

But  this I’m not going to excerpt or even synopsize.  Just read it for a surprising putdown of the Blame Bush for Everything crowd.

Water Turns to Wine.

The Blind See.

The Deaf Hear.

The Lame Walk.

The Dead Rise.

Clinton Defends Bush

You see? Miracles never cease.

h.t. NIF