“Why is everybody always pickin’ on me?”

(No, I’m not “Bloodhound Gang”)

Trub. The sediment of life hosts this week’s Carnival of the Recipes.

And ya know, aside from  misspelling my blog’s name, it’s a mighty fine job of presentation—and some mighty fine recipes. And, ah, well, Jeff gets a bye for the blogname typo, cos he said some kind words about my 3-ingredient, one-step recipe for “Sorta Smores”. 😉

Thanks, Jeff!

Wet Dogblogging

Well, several folks—Christine and Romeocat are prominent examples—do lotsa catblogging, so I thought, here’s the perfect dogblog post.  

I saw this thing and the first thing that pooped inna my head was, “Gee, just what I don’t want. This thing’s ridiculous! If I want my car to smell like a dog that’s all wet, all I hafta do is give one of The Boys a bath and stick him in the car.”

Besides, as Lovely Daughter says, ya wouldn’t want Scooby-Doo staring back at you from your rear view mirror. Ruh-roh!

Mostly crossposted at Cathouse Chat

Life in a Third World Countyâ„¢ homestead

In which Lovely Daughter encounters a Cluebat

The other day I was scrubbing a pan I’d thoughtlessly burned a buncha rice in. Took real skill. The rice-burning, that is.  Have some lovely cast-iron-core stainless steel pots n pans.  Heat the water (a lil less than for other pans), dump in the rice, twirls the lid, turn the heat down to nearly nothing and 20 minutes later, perfectly cooked rice.

Well, I’d done all but the last, turning the pan down, and left to run a short errand (cos food cooked in these pans the proper way just almost can’t burn). Been doing this sorta thing with these pans for more than 25 years, so no problem.

Except, I hadn’t turned the pan down… *sigh*

So, there I was cleaning the “blackened rice” off of this otherwise beautiful cooking utensil. [See the light bulb go off?] Dropped into the garage for a sec.  Picked up my cordless drill and a scouring disk attachment.  Back at the sink, whirring away.

Lovely Daughter sees me cleaning the pan with my drill. “You’re weird, Dad.”

Gee.  What was your first clue, Sherlock?