Whines on the left about plain speech from Karl Rove

Naturally, the Dems think the plain truth is “divisive”…

“Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers,” Mr. Rove, the senior political adviser to President Bush, said at a fund-raiser in Midtown for the Conservative Party of New York State.
Citing calls by progressive groups to respond carefully to the attacks, Mr. Rove said to the applause of several hundred audience members, “I don’t know about you, but moderation and restraint is not what I felt when I watched the twin towers crumble to the ground, a side of the Pentagon destroyed, and almost 3,000 of our fellow citizens perish in flames and rubble.”
Of course, the article from the New York Slimes doesn’t present Rove’s remarks as truth plainly spoken. And of course Billary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Frank Lautenberg, and other Dems are all crying foul.
Here’s what I said back in November 2004 on the topic of the Democrats and their relation to plainly-spoken truth:
Defining the terms

“Mean, vicious, devisive” are terms the loony left moonbats throw around when talking about political campaigns or behaviors that they don’t like. Here’s a look at what those terms mean when coming from the Loony Left Moonbat Briagde and their allies in the Mass Media Podpeoples’ Army.

“Mean” and “vicious” are terms applies by the LLMB and MMPA to any political speech that truthfully refers to actual facts of LLMB and MMPA past (or present) behaviors, their candidates’ actual words or actions, actual, verifiable facts that directly and overwhelmingly refute false claims made by LLMB, the MMPA and their candiadtes [sic]. In their eyes, facts (past comments on the record, voting record, etc.) that accurately reflect the views of their candidates are “personal attacks” and verifiable facts (actual real numbers about economy, budgets, etc) that contradict their candidates’ talking points are “divisive.”
So, now you know. It’s pretty safe, given the record of actual distortion and outright baldfaced lies about “vicious attacks” and “divisiveness” that any time you hear those terms coming from the LLMB and the MMPA you can pr[e]tty much automatically assume the opposite is true.
Yep. H’em where it hurts. Right where the hard truths they’re hiding from are.
Crossposted at Cathouse Chat

Cheeseburger Mac

Daughter home last weekend, initially just passing through on the way to first job after grad school, turned out to be more involved than that. Wanted some childhood memories, comfort food…

Cheeseburger Macaroni

This is another “process, notarecipe” recipe. Ingredients (more or less) and some prep. Get creative with this.


  • 1.5-2C uncooked macaroni

  • 1Lb hamburger or ground chuck

  • ¼ Lb Velveeta (yep: it’s just for this, or maybe nachos in a pinch 🙂

  • 1 can tomato soup concentrate


  • Cook the macaroni; you oughta know how to boil water by now.

  • While the mac is cooking, crumble and fry the meat. Season with Salt n pepper.

  • When the meat and mac are done, combine them in the frying pan with the tomato soup concentrate. Top with the Velveeta, sliced.

  • Simmer it a while, then stir in the Velveeta and serve it up.

UPDATE: Yeh, Dana, of Note-It Posts, has done a bang-up job with this week’s Carnival of the Recipes! Lotsa good stuff. Toodle on over there if you haven’t already. If you’ve just dropped in from the Carnival post, stick around. Poke your nose in the fridge, re-arrange the furniture. Make yourself at home.

White House Press Corps Meets Lewis Caroll

Welcome Alliance folks! Kick your combat boots off (I know you got ’em from Mom, but they ain’t that special :-), grab a beer and make yourself comfortable.

Note this, please: a personal request for help (for someone else)

Now, on to the main event!

How should the White House respond to incredibly stupid accusations at press conferences?

This Precision Guided Humor Assignment grew out of a comment by Walter Wallis in Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor in Perspective Current Mail.

I think his answer to the question above has merit (recruit Ann Coulter and John Bolton to work together answering such press conference accusations), but we need to flesh it out a bit.

Wallis also suggests green goo or slime for the worst offenders. Maybe. But I think a more general approach would be best.

Deciding which accusations merited green goo would simply be too complex and time-consuming, and surely some Mass Media Podpeople would complain, “Why didn’t Helen Thomas get slimed like I did? She’s always rude and idiotic! It’s not fair!”

In the service of both fairness and efficiency, I say give Ann Coulter a Queen of Hearts costume and let her have at it:

The players all played at once without waiting for turns, quarrelling all the while, and fighting for the hedgehogs; and in a very short time the Queen was in a furious passion, and went stamping about, and shouting `Off with his head!’ or `Off with her head!’ about once in a minute.

–Lewis Caroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Let John Bolton wield the axe.

I think that a few such White House press corpses might have a salutary effect on the White House press corps.

Of course, at first, “once in a minute” wouldn’t be a high enough frequency, but, sadly, things would settle down after a while, as Mass Media Podpeople began learning their manners—most for the first time in their lives.

Next? The floor of the Senate…
