So? What’s Congress going to do about the primary funders of terrorism?


Will Congress continue to stick its collective head in the sand or will it finally take note of the obvious?

“Senator Arlen Specter Has Finally Been Whacked with a Cluebat!”

Well, that’s what the headline ought to read. Via Stephen Schwartz, writing in The Weekly Standard:

The Saudi Arabia Accountability Act of 2005

ON TUESDAY, June 7, Sen. Arlen Specter took an action that may substantially improve the difficult–some might say despicable–state of U.S.-Saudi relations. Specter dropped the Saudi Arabia Accountability Act of 2005 into the hopper; the text was designated Senate bill 1171. Its cosponsors, so far, are Sens. Evan Bayh, Susan Collins, Tim Johnson, Patty Murray, Russ Feingold, and Ron Wyden.

The legislation is concise. The bill’s text stands as an indictment of Saudi Arabia, since it is mainly an inventory of evidence against the kingdom and the role of its rulers in enabling terrorism. S. 1171 summons the rulers of the Saudi kingdom to comply with United Nations resolution 1373, calling on states to refrain from supporting terrorism, to combat terrorism, and to deny safe haven to financiers and planners of terrorism. As the home of Wahhabism, the state cult and Islamist ideology underpinning al Qaeda and its allies, Saudi territory is a rich field of targets for serious counter-terrorism.

Well, about stinking time, folks. Of course, if the bill had any teeth and Congress any, uhm, intestinal fortitude, it’d also call for the Saudis to pay reparations to all the victims of Islamofascism terrorist acts funded by Saudi monies.

But the real (very deserved) kick in the teeth to the Saudis and their ilk would be for the U.S. to immediately invest heavily in such technologies as (proven ultra safe) pebble bed reactors, orbiting satellite solar power stations, petroleum manufacturing plants (such as this one in Carthage, Missouri ).

And then spread the technology as far and wide as quickly as possible in order to cut into the Saudis’ (and others’) oil revenues.

Oh, and while we’re at it, offer to sell them water. At $55 a barrel. (Water shortages are dire and growing in the primarily Muslim Middle East.)

  • Reparations
  • Cut their revenue
  • Sell them all the water they want or need… at slightly above what they charge for oil.

Sounds like a plan.

Oh, and as long as we’re on a roll, since better than 80% of the Muslim world is illiterate, why not offer to print and distribute all the “Korans” they want-and give ’em all copies of Nancy Drew Mystery books disguised as Korans?

It’d work for me. I’d buy tickets to watch a buncha misogynist Muslim mullahs rioting over the “desecration” of Nancy Drew—Curse of Blackmoor Manor.

“Now, you just cut that out!”

(Apologies to Jack Benny 🙂

Please run, do NOT walk, to James Lileks’ current (06/13/05) Screedblog entry. In order to place Mass Media Podpeople’s Army indignance at the “torture” U.S. interrogators are engaging in at Gitmo into context, Lileks has to resort to citing Monty Python (yes, MMPA whining is this bad… or worse):

Vercotti: Doug (takes a drink) Well, I was terrified. Everyone was terrified of Doug. I’ve seen grown men pull their own heads off rather than see Doug. Even Dinsdale was frightened of Doug.

2nd Interviewer: What did he do?

Vercotti: He used… sarcasm. He knew all the tricks, dramatic irony, metaphor, bathos, puns, parody, litotes and… satire. He was vicious.

Oh, just get over to Lileks’ place and read as he “tortures” the kid who cries

“Teacher, he hit me!”

“But Johnnie, he’s all the way over on the other side of the room.”

“Well, he looked at me funny… ” *whine*

Mass Media Podpeople Blue Over Pink Snack

“Cops: Teen Killed Dad for Eating Last Sno-Ball
Monday, June 13, 2005

McCOMB, Miss. — Authorities say a disagreement over a frozen snack led a McComb teenager to fatally shoot his father…”

That was the headline and lede for an AP story (as relayed on the Fox website) about a kid who’d been grounded for a driving accident who then went ballistic when his folks came home eating Sno Balls. See, they hadn’t brought him one, so a shotgun was the proper response…
But here’s where the AP blue-staters show their disconnect from flyover country. Note the lede, “a disagreement over a frozen snack”? The body of the AP story reveals the “frozen snack” to be something any normal person recognize (though with revulsion for some of us, including me) as a product of Hostess snacks, a pink coconut covered marshmallow/chocolate cake snack. Comes in packages of two (hence, no extra snack cake for junior). Tastes nasty, but some folks like nasty.
But it’s not a “frozen snack” any more than Twinkies or Hostess Cupcakes are served as frozen snacks. Some twit of a blue-stater who’s never seen the inside of a Seven-Eleven simply looked at the wire feed that said “Sno Balls” and assumed it was a frozen snack, even though these particular concoctions-from-hell (*s*) have plagued American society since 1947.
Just more out of touch “reporting” from Smartlandâ„¢.
h/t to saucymegstar who really needs to just blog these things. 🙂