ACLU: Anti-Christian Licentious Undead

I know “Anti-Christian Licentious Undead” is a wee contradictory, but what about the modern ACLU is not?

See the interview with a former ACLU lawyer at STOP the ACLU.

Nothing particularly surprising. And that’s the really sad thing: that no evil seems to small for the ACLU. *sigh* Most of the comments are along the lines of

“… what [good] they have done in the past is completely eviscerated by what they do in the present. The ACLU has become a fanatical anti-faith Taliban of American religious secularism.”

Well, uhm, of course. And that “of course” is the truly sad thing about the ACLU.

In fantsyland, all the students are above average…

Rampant grade inflation is just the hangnail on the rotten corpse of higher education

I will NOT quote extensively from this article. I will NOT… because if I did, I’d probably just give in to temptation and re-print the whole thing. Nevertheless, a taste:
John Watson, who teaches journalism ethics and communications law at American, has noticed another phenomenon: Many students, he says, believe that simply working hard — though not necessarily doing excellent work — entitles them to an A. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a student dispute a grade, not on the basis of in-class performance,” says Watson, “but on the basis of how hard they tried. I appreciate the effort, and it always produces positive results, but not always the exact results the student wants. We all have different levels of talent.”
It’s a concept that many students (and their parents) have a hard time grasping. Working hard, especially the night before a test or a paper due date, does not necessarily produce good grades.
Just go read it. Now.
Please. 🙂
h/t Roland Dobbins posting via Jerry Pournelle’s Current Mail. Of course.

Pinball Madness

Go ahead. *sigh* I can’t stop you…

Alan Woody (Woody’s News & Views) has a new addiction: Pinball Madness. In his search for The Ultimate Game Room, he has dones the unthinkable. No, it’s not the purchase of his second pinball machine (although that does beg th question: how is he going to play them both? Yeh, I know: serially.) No, that’s not it. It’s this:

“Don’t be surprised if I’m posting a little less in the next few weeks…”

Right. Like we need less from the inestimable Woody. *profound sigh*

He even wants to throw a monkey wrench in the blogosphere by inviting everyone to share his pinball addiction. Yep. He “offers” a link to the page where you can download the Microsoft Pinball trial edition. Shilling for Microsoft. Pushing “free samples” to fuel your pinball addiction. How low can you go… *sigh*

I dunno, Woody. It took me years to get over the first Microsoft Pinball. I know all about computer game addiction. Heck, I was even once addicted to Kroz, of all things!

MORE! Be sure you read the warning posted by Microsoft, because playing pinball on your computer may have effects that go beyond mere addiction, viz.,

Photosensitive Seizure Warning
A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video games…
…Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms…

Of course, I am not so affected, but let it not be said I linked to the game and didn’t warn you of this…


Dean: Republikans are all white criminals

Howard Dean says the Republikan party is made up of white folks who’ve never held down an honest job

Now, folks all over the blogosphere are illegitimately flaming Dean. Illegitimately? Yes, illegitimately. He has some serious scholarship to back up this momentous claim. See:

Monsieur Zenith the Albino
by Anthony Skene, Michael Moorcock

So, back off, folks, or Dean will bring out the Big Guns. That’s right. He can always cite this Justice League documentary about the evil albino organized crime lord Steven Mandragora.

Now, while there’s no record on file conclusively proving Monsieur Zenith and Steven Mandragora are card-carrying Republikans, it seems self-evident: they are whiter than white and refuse to hold down honest jobs. Q.E.D.—they must be Republikans.

Given this level of logic and solid research, I think we can expect more brilliant observations from Dean in the future. Among future brilliant proclamations from Howard the Duck Dean are:

“George W. Bush is funnelling government funds to the Republikan National Committee by buying slaves it smuggles in from Africa to perform menial tasks in the White House and on his Crawford Ranch.”

“I am an African-american. Yeeaaarrrrrgggghhhhh!”

“America is drowning in red ink because of the Republikans. Only an heroic effort at lifesaving by Teddy Kennedy can save us!”

“Yes, it is true my wife and I have separated due to irreconcilable differences. On the other hand, Oprah has agreed to both become my wife and to be my running mate in the 2008 presidential race.”

This has been a Precision Guided Humor Assignment.

(Mostly crossposted at Cathouse Chat)

And yeh, I fixed the central problem with this post (I hadn’t actually read the assignment… :-).

That’s America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ for ya… (repost)

(Fav posts of the past will see the light of day once a week or so)

America’s Third World Countyâ„¢… quasi-lbertarian (small “l”) and completely “Your business ends where my nose begins, bubba”

Originally uploaded by mnmus.

You read the card right. it says, “We clean meth houses… ”

A business that’s apparently been bringing clean meth houses to America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ since, oh, about 2004 or so, if it’s any of your business, which it isn’t…

(originally posted 03-07-05)

An Honor Above My Station

Now this is an honor I do not deserve

R’cat has given me the keys to her blog. See what a mess I make of Cathouse Chat along with her other guest(s). I do hope she can find it in her heart to forgive me someday… Maybe if I clean the litterbox while she’s gone, it’ll make things easier…