Cheeseburger Mac

Daughter home last weekend, initially just passing through on the way to first job after grad school, turned out to be more involved than that. Wanted some childhood memories, comfort food…

Cheeseburger Macaroni

This is another “process, notarecipe” recipe. Ingredients (more or less) and some prep. Get creative with this.


  • 1.5-2C uncooked macaroni

  • 1Lb hamburger or ground chuck

  • ¼ Lb Velveeta (yep: it’s just for this, or maybe nachos in a pinch 🙂

  • 1 can tomato soup concentrate


  • Cook the macaroni; you oughta know how to boil water by now.

  • While the mac is cooking, crumble and fry the meat. Season with Salt n pepper.

  • When the meat and mac are done, combine them in the frying pan with the tomato soup concentrate. Top with the Velveeta, sliced.

  • Simmer it a while, then stir in the Velveeta and serve it up.

UPDATE: Yeh, Dana, of Note-It Posts, has done a bang-up job with this week’s Carnival of the Recipes! Lotsa good stuff. Toodle on over there if you haven’t already. If you’ve just dropped in from the Carnival post, stick around. Poke your nose in the fridge, re-arrange the furniture. Make yourself at home.

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