Mass Media Podpeople Blue Over Pink Snack

“Cops: Teen Killed Dad for Eating Last Sno-Ball
Monday, June 13, 2005

McCOMB, Miss. — Authorities say a disagreement over a frozen snack led a McComb teenager to fatally shoot his father…”

That was the headline and lede for an AP story (as relayed on the Fox website) about a kid who’d been grounded for a driving accident who then went ballistic when his folks came home eating Sno Balls. See, they hadn’t brought him one, so a shotgun was the proper response…
But here’s where the AP blue-staters show their disconnect from flyover country. Note the lede, “a disagreement over a frozen snack”? The body of the AP story reveals the “frozen snack” to be something any normal person recognize (though with revulsion for some of us, including me) as a product of Hostess snacks, a pink coconut covered marshmallow/chocolate cake snack. Comes in packages of two (hence, no extra snack cake for junior). Tastes nasty, but some folks like nasty.
But it’s not a “frozen snack” any more than Twinkies or Hostess Cupcakes are served as frozen snacks. Some twit of a blue-stater who’s never seen the inside of a Seven-Eleven simply looked at the wire feed that said “Sno Balls” and assumed it was a frozen snack, even though these particular concoctions-from-hell (*s*) have plagued American society since 1947.
Just more out of touch “reporting” from Smartlandâ„¢.
h/t to saucymegstar who really needs to just blog these things. 🙂

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