Oh, Lucky Day

…to have me live it. *heh*

So Friday the Thirteenth actually falls on a Friday this month. Enjoy it while you can.

The Watershed?

Bear with me a bit. It came to me, as in a dream, that this:

…may have been the beginning of the end of Western Civilization.

Just think about it.

Cattle, deer, etc., nurse for a while and then eat grass.

Lions nurse for a while and then eat cattle, deer, etc.

Our babies nurse for a while and then eat… baby food.

Eeewwwww! Cannibalism!

“Enter title here”

So, I let WP do the automagic upgrade to 3.0 business, and what to my eyes does so stupidly appear? First time I click to start a new post, the software “helpfully” places “Enter title here” in the title bar.

*feh* That’s just insulting. Is there really any great number of WP users who are so abysmally stupid that huge masses of WP users cannot figure out where the post title goes? The way I see it, if a WP user cannot figure out where to put the post title, then that user should be assigned a guardian, placed in an “Assisted Computing Facility” (“Here, dearie, let me make that mouse click for you!”),strapped into a straitjacket (or chained to a Mac; same difference *heh*) and fed through a tube.

“Enter title here” MHWA!