Be Sure to Have a “Doggie Bag” Handy for Scooping…

Just sayin’

I do wish we had a few congresscritters with the work ethic and intelligence of this lil long-legged rat.

BTW, stolen from a FB post by Kat.

9 Replies to “Be Sure to Have a “Doggie Bag” Handy for Scooping…”

  1. Also, that is SO DAMNED CUTE! I think he really thinks he’s doing something for his masters by getting rid of those balls too. Like, protecting them from the dangerous balls. And so cute how he looks up after each one to be praised.

  2. I was amazed how focused he kept on each individual one. Even when they mixed up with some of the others on the table, he remained focused on the one he started with. Smart dog. Now, if they can just get him not to scratch…lol

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