The Challenge

Mel has issued a challenge: post a photo of oneself in “early morning glory”as it were. While I’m not fond of breaking cameras (ask at the license bureau about their camera), I decided to go ahead and risk the webcam in my lil toy notebook.

Note the hat and shades. (Need protection from early morning sun through front window.) Note also the primary reason to get up in the a.m. *heh*

There. Happy now, Mel? πŸ˜‰

8 Replies to “The Challenge”

    1. Actually, Nicole, a few months after we married, I shaved the thing and she was a bit horrified to discover what was underneath. Well, not exactly. She said that w/o the beard, people would think she’d robbed the cradle… *heh* Still, for many years after that I would grow the beard between the first of October and the 15th of April… when I shaved, annually, it for The National Day of Mourning (Tax Day) for many years.

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