
Another major, time-devouring project finished. Now that the pressure’s off, I can feel the Rack Monster coming for me, especially since, after weeks of “heat index warnings” today’s in the low 70s and overcast, with intermittent rain. Decided I wasn’t safe driving and have rescheduled my day to be within a few short steps of somewhere relatively comfortable to collapse into unconsciousness.

Maybe I’ve been bitten by a tsetse fly?

3 Replies to “ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…”

  1. It’s been very hot here as well so I waited until it was 8:30 before cranking up the lawn mower and trimmer this past week. I figure by then everyone should be up and about and have no reason to complain. Hot! Humid!

    1. Really cooled down today. Up till about 3:00 the temps never got above 80 today, here in America’s Third World County. About 3:30 or so things cleared up a bit and the temps climbed all the way to 88. It’s now (at 7:30) about 82 outside, and inside, w/o AC, the hottest room in the house is now about 80. Not too shabby, but still a tad humid.

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