Finally, The 0 Does Something Sensible!

Recently, 0bama got off the helicopter in front of The White House – carrying a baby piglet under each arm.

The squared-away Marine guard snapped to attention, saluted and said,

“Nice pigs, sir.”

The 0 replied: “These are not pigs. These are authentic Arkansas Razorback Hogs. I got one for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and I got one for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.”

The squared-away Marine again snapped to attention, saluted and said,

“Excellent trade, sir.”

(Gleefully stolen from a FB post by G.H.)

Bacon: It’s What’s for Dinner. Yum.

America’s Third World County… Again

America’s Third World County “got” (afflicted with) its very own McDonald’s a couple of years ago. We learned very quickly to avoid it.

Yes, I edited out the name of the town. The good folks there don’t deserve the association.

Of course, maybe the sign’s referring to a new McDonald’s brand of something like this, instead…

Wouldn’t that qualify as an “anus wrap”? But of that’s what the sign was referring to, then it’s a bad buy. The “wraps” in the Depends box are only about $0.50 each…

OTOH, if they were taking about “anus wraps” for folks to send to Washington D.C. for use on congresscritters, that’d be remarkably inexpensive… and very, very fast selling items:

Appropriate Neologism?

You know those lower back tattoos showing up more and more on what used to be called “loose women”? Would “sluttoo” be an appropriate term to refer to such things? Just… asking.

Update. Just saw this at the “Shit My Dad Says” blog:

…if you’re an attractive young female that stars on a television show, you’re allowed to dress like a hooker and instead of people saying “Are you a hooker?” they say “I love that dress, where’d you get it?”

Ain’t it the truth? *sigh*


Another major, time-devouring project finished. Now that the pressure’s off, I can feel the Rack Monster coming for me, especially since, after weeks of “heat index warnings” today’s in the low 70s and overcast, with intermittent rain. Decided I wasn’t safe driving and have rescheduled my day to be within a few short steps of somewhere relatively comfortable to collapse into unconsciousness.

Maybe I’ve been bitten by a tsetse fly?