I Do Love It When a Plan Comes Together

So, this was to be the summer when we purchased a new fridge. The one we have has served us well, but it entered this house two owners back and has definitely reached the effective end of its service life.

The glass shelves are still good, though. *heh*

So, we looked around, doing our due diligence, researching options on the web, and selected one from a Big Box home improvement center, the same one where we bought our Whirlpool washer/dryer set and nice Bosch dishwasher last summer. Yes, we would like to have purchased a new fridge last year, but we prioritized things a bit, ran the numbers and decided not to spend the cash that way last year. Instead, we lump summed out of our mortgage.

Now, with more than enough cash on hand, we decided to purchase the fridge we’d selected in July. Then, two days ago, my Wonder Woman noticed that it had gone on sale “through June 27” for $300 off the price we’d decided was our sweet spot. So, we went in to make the purchase and arrange delivery, instead of ordering online (because I needed some plumbing and electrical supplies and because I like making sure the salespeople there get their commission. Makes ’em glad to see me coming *heh*. It was no surprise they had none in stock. No problem as they could order it in. But while we waited for the salesperson to finish up with another customer, we looked around a bit anyway.

Oh. Wait. My Wonder Woman saw a fridge that had been on my own short list but t aprice point we didn’t want to (not couldn’t but didn’t want to) pay. The manufacturer was running a (apparently, “Gotta clear out our inventory!”) special: $610 off, placing it, with nearly 8 cubic feet more storage and a couple of other gewgaws and gimcracks, at juuuust under the one we’d come to purchase.

Got it. The four year extended warranty was also less. Got that. The plumbing kit for the icemaker (to replace the old, old line now semi-installed *heh*) was also less. Heck, with the savings on the bigger fridge with more doodads (features), etc., my additional plumbing and electrical supplies only brought us about even with what we’d been planning to pay for the fridge alone.

Not too shabby.

I love it when a plan comes together. I’m also thankful that “lucky” can still beat “planning” every now and then. 🙂

I’m Not Complaining… Honest!

The Joplin tornado event took down our ISP for a couple of days. Seriously. Only a couple of days. A tornado plowed right through the infrastructure it uses (cable) and took out tons and tons of essential infrastructure, and it was back online in a couple of days’ time.

Not bad.

So when I post the access speeds below, I’m NOT complaining. Heck, they still beat the heck out of DSL “speeds” from our local baling wire and tin cup telco–and at lower cost–so I have nothing to complain about, but I still can hardly wait for stutterless video feeds, etc…

OK, I am going to bitch a bit about these “speeds”:

*sigh* Gag me.


Well, the (only) four habanero plants I put out this year are getting some great growth (all this rain, I suppose) but not yet flowering. OTOH, one (of the 28 *heh*) jalapeño plants has not only flowered but is bringing on peppers, already. Hot-cha-cha! (You really have to envision Jimmy Durante’s slightly different utterance for that to work properly. 🙂 OK, here…)

The tomato plants are just getting huge; no flowering or fruiting yet. But growing like gangbusters.

And my amaranth, sown from seed–the same seed I cook up for a “cereal”? REALLY growing, fast! Like it! We’ll just have to see how that stuff produces. I’ll likely have to thin the plants out quite a bit, but that just means greens and shoots (and stems to use sorta like rhubarb).

Not much of a garden, but it has things that please us. Oh, and mixed in are marigolds (also a lovely plant) and my Wonder Woman’s impatiens (and the morning glory she loves that I’m letting come back a little). Gone is almost all the mint and finally nearly all the Virginia Creeper. Sadly, our dandelion crop has been sparse this year. I don’t know why. Plenty of wild onion, though. Yum.

Now, how to make best use of all the “yard vine” in the back yard… hmmm… it’s said to make a nice topical analgesic, so…

Weather Offlines TWC Central

Update: More rain last night and more expected over the next few days. The creek behind twc central hasn’t advanced over its banks, although downstream, due to other tributaries and some backing up from overfull, constricted areas downstream–as close as 1/4 mile–it’s still pretty hairy.

Still no internet connection @twc central, so updates are going to be sparse. Here’s a pic from yesterday,down by the bridge about 1/4 mile south of us. Do note that the date stamped by the camera is off by one day. The pic was taken on the 24th.

Note the rock and gravel washed up on the other side that’s completely blocking the street.

The tornado that struck (one of dozens in the area, according to reports) about 35-40 miles north of America’s Third World County took our ISP down for most of this area. I’m (in an undisclosed location *heh*) a mini-buncha miles south of twc central in a library parking lot leeching off its public WiFi, now.

No pics of the devastation north of us. Son&Heir drove up there yesterday, unaware of the destruction, since our cable–all of it,TV and internet–had been down since about the time the tornado hit, and we’re not really much of a radio family (for one thing, living in a “radio black hole” has kind of trained us away from listening, and for another, there’s not a lot ofselection around here anyway). Anywho, we got a direct report, but since he was trying NOT to rubberneck (and cause an accident) but just get out of the way quickly, no pics from him, either.

But, here are some pics from about 200′ behind twc central. Note that yesterday’s pic is on the right and this a.m.’s is on the left. What a difference a DAY MAKES, EH?

Noah? Wherefore Art Thou, Noah?

From around Elk River, here in America’s Third World County:

About 6 miles south-southeast of twc central.

Now, I’ve canoed under that bridge with the river at normal levels, and the underside was ~20′ overhead. Water’s sure stacking up downstream as the water’s fed into the river upstream at a continuous pace of “pretty darned fast”.

BTW, there’s a pretty good drop off from where you can see that lil stand of electric poles and transformers on down to the usual river bed and a pretty good lil stretch of bottom land there. The pic was taken from a side road that MODOT has now listed as closed.

Luckily, our lil “crick” about 300′ back of twc central isn’t really rising nearly as fast or as much as the creek further downstream that it’s feeding (and which itself feeds,way on down, into Elk River), but if things keep going, we might just see some water approach our back door. Hope not. Be a mess to clean up.

Just barely south of where Lovely Daughter lives, in Benton County, AR, this roadside park just east of Highway 71:

You can’t tell from the pic, but the water’s flowing pretty strongly through there.

Here’re some shots from a town about 12 miles south-southwest of twc central. The first features a two-story building on a campground on a slight rise from Elk River. The second is a little later and of the highway from which the roof of the building in the first photo can be looked directly across to:

Winter Storm Watch Warning

Damn that global warming. *heh*

My Wonder Woman reported to me that the secretary at her M-W-F school greeted everyone as they arrived this morning with, “Happy Friday!”

Yep. Snow forecast for America’s Third World County–up to a foot by tomorrow afternoon/evening, over ice and around 2″ of sleet as a base.

Bearing that in mind, and recalling the Great Ice Storm of 2007, which took out power for much of the county for most of January that year, around noon today I began rounding up supplies. A propane-fueled camp stove and the appropriately-sized bottles of fuel, oil lamps, etc. If power goes out again, we may once again need to travel out of town–out of county–for my Wonder Woman to complete grad work assignments (just hunting up a hot spot),since we no longer have a backup dialup service, but for other needs, we should be OK. Sure, with temps projected to go as low as -6 Fahrenheit, I’ll need to keep the water running a wee tad to avoid freezing pipes if we love power, but that’d be a small price to pay.

Everything’s pretty well weatherproofed here at twc central. We have ice chests for moving fridge stuff outside for keeping, if power’s out too long. Plenty of propane for the camp stove and as long as we have water, the hot water heater (natural gas) will help warming the core of the house. (Help keep the pipes unfrozen, too, as hot/cold pipes are run very closely together.) Worked well enough during the bitterly cold weather in January 2007 when power was out here at twc central for a couple of weeks.

Of course, there is that client who needs onsite help out in the boonies on Tuesday afternoon. I may have to defer that, knowing just how steep and rough her nearly 1/4 mile drive is. Sadly, the roads to her house are less navigable in icy/snowy road conditions now than in 2007, since they’re now blacktopped. Icy/snowy dirt and gravel roads are often easier to drive in icy/snowy conditions. Oh, well.

Anywho… twc may be offline (or not) intermittently, for “weather days”. We’ll see.

Mini-micro-update: Banner streaming across TV screen has darned near everything in a six-county (four-state) area canceled already, except for the local schools here in America’s Third World County.

December Schedule

Just an FYI. From now through December 25, Christmas music only here at twc. A different music video–sometimes more–daily starting tomorrow and running through Christmas morning.

No Surprises at All

I doubt that readers here will be surprised by anything in the video below, but I’d encourage you to spread it… and to do as the video suggests and expand your knowledge of The Cult of Hate that is Islam.


“Know your enemy” is a wise saying indeed… And Islam is, by its own definitive “holy books” YOUR enemy, unless you submit to it.

And further…


Finally, a Little Character…

Nothing earth-shattering (Kaboom!), but of passing interest to me…

Like Marat, I like to use a nice long soak for other things besides just “bathing”–notably reading and sometimes writing. Unfortunately, I don’t have a nice lil “bath desk” like he apparently did (according to the artist, at least), so reading eBooks–unless I wanted to do so on my Palm, which is on its last legs and so could be sacrificed to an accidental dunking–or writing a blogpost Is Not a Good Idea. Fortunately,though, no one’s assassinated me during a nice long soak… yet.

But I may have cause for a bit of paranoia in that department (is it paranoia if someone really is out to get you?). Let me back up a bit…

When Lovely Daughter moved back in for a short while in order to save money and retire a few debts (a Very Good Thing!), she brought with her a cat that has proven to be the most boring cat I’ve ever known. Most cats I’ve known or “had” (the jury’s out on who was the “haver” in those relationships) have been real… characters. Our current chosen (again, who really did the choosing, I sometimes wonder, as he wandered up one day and decided he belonged here) feline “roommate” is a very interesting character who sometimes wanders around carrying on conversations with his invisible friends and who plays ball with himself, when he doesn’t manage to finagle me into playing fetch with him. Yes, he really does return his balls to me and watch expectantly for me to toss them for him again.

But Lovely Daughter’s cat? Just “Food, now!” and “Pet me!” Boring.

Recently, though, he’s taken to pushing open the bathroom door while I’m doing a soak/read, if the door’s not been latched well enough. Then? He perches on the rim of the tub and stares (glares?) at me in a threatening manner. *heh* Even more recently, he’s begun stepping onto my chest and pushing himself in my face with a big “Pet me, or else!” demand.

I have begun wondering if Marat’s fate awaits me if I were to refuse.

Then again, I’ve started contemplating some sort of retaliation for the harassment. Perhaps a quick sweeping motion dumping him into a full bath…

Well, at least he’s finally showing some sort of character.